Qtablewidget cell size. Use a debugger to inspect the list contents and indices.
Qtablewidget cell size layoutWidget_20) self. Nov 13, 2013 · The horizontal header is reachable from a QTableWidget using horizontalHeader(). itemChanged(1,1). Jul 25, 2022 · It seems that this may be caused by the minimum section size of the horizontal header. This is what I did: 1. SelectRows) to set table to select entire row May 20, 2010 · Maybe you are getting break because you didn't call setItem() to set an item for the cell (2, 2) before you use overviewTable->item(2,2). table = QTableWid Mar 31, 2014 · maybe you should check the values returned from tableWidget::item(), because the functions can return 0 if no item is asigned to the provided coordinates, and in that case you're trying to call a method (QTableWidgetItem::text()) on a zero pointer. As you can see from the screenshot: the labels seem to be vertically centered in the cell - but the line edit is so much down, it actually goes out of the bounds of the cell. table->cellWidget(0, 3) Mar 6, 2008 · This fuctions allow me to adjust the row and columns, but what I need is to adjust the size of the QTableWidget to the columns. I would like this QTableWidget to default to a size that shows all cells. But when I run this application the sells are empty. Dec 7, 2021 · はじめにpyqt5やQt CreatorでQtのtableについて色々と試した内容をメモPyQt51 シンプルに生成QTableWidgetを生成し,サイズを4x3に変更するだけのシンプルな… Nov 2, 2019 · Hi, I've created a table with QTableWidget and the text in the cells can have a different color about text of another cell. Oct 24, 2020 · override updateEditorGeometry to set size and position of the custom editor implement setEditorData and setModelData accordingly if you want an additional button to close the editing state, use QApplication. NoModifier)) Jun 28, 2020 · How do I make QtableWidget cell squared the size I want? 0. row: The row index of the cell you want to retrieve the widget from. the font of the cell will shrink by about 1 point in size (see animated GIF below). QTableWidgetItem() entry. Nov 1, 2014 · Makingthe columns of a tableview fit the size of its contents. May 7, 2015 · Another solution would be to set QTextEdit as a cell widget to the table widget via setCellWidget method. Jun 26, 2018 · I have some code, where i try to fill the QTableWidget. Since 4. I tried different ways to add this to a layout but the QTableWidget has always its default size. table. different items in one cell QTableWidget. Here is an example screenshot only showing 16 squares. addItems(["Java", "C#", "Python"]) qtablewidget. I want to have a really small QTableWidget which the widget height can be 10. I tried setting the widget's minimal size, but it resulted in a really bad outcome: the cell size remained the same, and widgets started overlapping, creating a total mess in the table. This adjustment is done by overwriting the resizeEvent of QTableWidget class and by setting row and column stretches for QGridLayout. Here is my code which contians the self. Unfortunately, the default Size Hint used by QSizePolicy. This cell widget has created the code below I modified from the internet. Oct 31, 2021 · The first thing it does in paint() is to look at the column/row of the passed-in index to see which cell it is being called on, and acts accordingly. Create a Qt application with MainWindow. tableName = QtGui. Are there some hard coded values that qt is using not to respect the assigned height. And I would li May 1, 2013 · Thats because layout change the geometry when you add tableWidget to it. The answer to that question was essentially this: Mar 2, 2012 · Once created, a QTableWidget gets some default size. PySide2. Dec 13, 2023 · Widgets QTableView, QTreeView and their derived classes (such as QTableWidget) have this two usefull methods: QHeaderView* horizontalHeader() const; QHeaderView* verticalHeader() const; If you open documentation for a class QHeaderView , you will find methods that set up appearance and behavior of row or column header for item views. Nov 18, 2021 · @Publicnamer said in QTableWidget automatically sizes rows too large:. So the Image only fit the size of the first cell before the span and ignores the additional size from the span. The QTableWidget class allows you to create a table widget that displays the tabular form of items. Inherit from QTableView. table1. The font size has to be adjusted when the widget is resized. QTableView with different column Aug 15, 2013 · You need to look into Qt's layout system - using layouts will handle automatically resizing your objects based on the size of their parent. How to make Qt widgets resizeable? 3. Oct 15, 2017 · I would like to align texts in a QTableWidget on the left side, but I would also like to add an indent so the text isn't stuck against the border. Apr 1, 2019 · Can I do something to auto-adjusting a widget (by size and position) to a cell of QTreeWidget? P. setColumnWidth(1, 700) If i run main. I know the only way to do this is by calling QTableView::setRowHeight. Invalid Index Using an index that's out of bounds. QTableWidget does not appear to have a setSizeHint() method. Ensure indices are within the valid range. : Because there are so many squares (thousands) that need to be displayed I need the minimum size of each square to be something like 5x5 pixels. Meaning of "corruption invariably lurked within"and "fever-traps and outrages to beauty" in E. And something strange is happening, if I add an ; affter the first } then the color is working and the border is not set, if I remove the ; then the color is not working and the border is set. May 19, 2015 · Ohh, god thanks, I assumed it is the same as an array. Feb 18, 2020 · resize a cell of qtablewidget; Hello i'm trying to set a picture in a cell of my tableWidget and is a little success but the size of cell is fixed and for me is Sep 28, 2015 · I have QTableView and QAbstractTableModel. Most importantly, if the model row count changes in the meantime, any resize event would change the maximum height abruptly and inconsistently with what was previously shown before the resize, also possibly causing some level of recursion under certain conditions if the height change Sep 4, 2006 · It works except for one moment: the widget is resized to fit the cell. Dec 17, 2020 · table is created in Qt Designer with settings: In the main. size(). If I resize my whole window, the QTableWidget resizes but not the columns. In my code I am using self. Sep 27, 2017 · Do you have any ideas how to get full qtablewidget cell content while hovering it, the column size is smaller than content size so i would like to get all cell content while hovering the cell like we get link while hovering reference on Internet Apr 4, 2010 · To apply @Narek's code to rows or columns, simply use a simple for loop and put a condition in to include the flags for rows/columns you do not want to be editable. Jun 29, 2016 · This can be solved by setting the resize-mode for each column. Returns a pointer to the widget that is currently occupying the specified cell. column – int. 1. If the users doubleclicks on a cell, a dialog should be displayed, if the user doubleclicks on a blank area of the QTableWidget, a new row should be appended to the table. It works fine . py i get: My problem This signal is emitted whenever the current cell changes. But I need the columns resize itself to the widget's width. May 13, 2014 · I have a QTableWidget with an N number of columns, which when the number of columns are set, they automically fill in the entire QTableWidget. Jan 29, 2013 · When the QTableWidget sees that someone has clicked one of it's cells, it will emit a cellClicked event - which you need to connect to. 0. calculadora) May 16, 2013 · I want to know is it possible to make a stylesheet to make the contents in selected row bold. Issue The cell selection behavior might not be as expected May 27, 2015 · how to work signals from QTableWidget cell with cellWidget Hot Network Questions What does "the ridge was offset at right angles to its length" mean in "several places where the ridge was offset at right angles to its length"? Mar 3, 2012 · setWordWrap defines the behaviour of the text, without altering column size. A better solution is to initialize the delegate with a "matrix" of completions based on the columns. S. 3. QIcon('icon. setRowHeight() method, but its not working. Feb 23, 2011 · Anyone has some piece of code to understand how to define a QTableWidget object where every column has a different width? I tried resizeColumnToContents( int ) and setColumnWidth ( int, int ) with no luck :( Feb 18, 2020 · I'd like the cell to fit the size of the image, how do I do that? ui -> tableWidget ->setRowCount (10); ui -> tableWidget ->setColumnCount (3); QStringList liste; liste << "Step" << "Value coder" << "Picture"; ui -> tableWidget ->setHorizontalHeaderLabels (liste); QPixmap pix ("C:/Users/portalc/Pictures/atm3/pos_init. This is how you apply a delegate to certain cells only: you have to assign the delegate to all cells and then have it check at runtime what it does/does not do for each cell. Null Pointer Mar 9, 2021 · Since the list of completer strings is the same for each column of the model, there's no use in setting that data on the index. itemAt(row, 3). but how can i do this? Solved: ui->tableWidget->horizontalHeader ()->setDefaultSectionSize (60); // width ui->tableWidget->verticalHeader ()->setDefaultSectionSize (60); // hei Aug 17, 2018 · The width of the QTableWidget should be adjusted so that it is not smaller than a reasonable minimum and not extend beyond the buttons above it; in particular, the size of the columns 1, 2, and 4 should be adjusted to their contents, and the 3rd column, Aberrations, should be expanded to fill in the gap on the right side. Remove cell padding from QTableWidget in PyQt5. How can I fix it? 1. So I cant do following things. The problem is that the QTableView is not adjusting the size of cells to show the entire contents of the cell. You will always Jul 22, 2020 · Ok, so I have a table widget placed in QtDesigner; then I programmatically try to add a widget consisting of labels and a line edit as a cell in that table. I tried this, but it's resizing the column contents only to fit it's column. Key_Enter, Qt. If the custom widget's size exceeds the cell's dimensions, it might overlap with other cells or content. columnCount: int #. i am using self. The QTableWidget is on a Layout with other elements. The cell specified by previousRow and previousColumn is the cell that previously had the focus, the cell specified by currentRow and currentColumn is the new current cell. Dec 19, 2017 · The latter works by connecting a function to the cellChanged signal; however, the cellActivated signal doesn't fire when the user starts editing a cell in the table. Jul 15, 2014 · I'd like to increase the size of an SVG icon that's displayed inside of a PySide/Qt table cell icon = QtGui. You might want to add setMaximumHeight/width. g. I know that if it's a QTableWidgetItem, I can use: ui. Ensure that the cellClicked() signal is triggered only when the desired selection behavior occurs. end()); 2. setObjectName( Jul 11, 2019 · Since I do some subclassed QStyledItemDelegate class drawing on my table's cell items, I draw some border lines that seemed to be conflicting a bit with the size of the cell widget. setWordWrap(True) command which will not do Nov 13, 2019 · So, unless your computer has several dozen gigabytes of memory available, it won't be able to load it. height() + 6 ). 5 I have an QTableWidget. The first section must stretch to take up the available space, whilst the last two sections just resize to their contents: Sep 15, 2020 · I'm trying to have a zoom in/zoom out effet on a QtableWidget. Since the model is dynamic it may be added new rows, but I don't want to call setRowHeight each time new row is added. Return Value. This is how I'm doing it for vertical sizing (Qt 5. For example, I want to add some etxra padding. tw. There does not appear to be a QTableWidget property exposing this value. 8). connect(self. i want a table cell to have just an icon without any text. Only when the view is finally shown and possibly added to a layout, then it will resize itself again in order to properly resize its children using updateGeometries. Returns the item for the given row and column if one has been set; otherwise returns 0. Consider resizing the table's cells or using a different layout to accommodate the widget's size. Please find the snippet below: from PySide. As the Qt document says, QTableWidgetItem * QTableWidget::item(int row, int column) const. Sure I can set the "Minimumwidth" but tI expected that the QTableWidget will use the whole available space, same like every other widget too. removeColumn (column) ¶ I am trying to add a checkbow to every row in a QTableWidget, unfortunately it only seems to appear in the first row. Don't select text in QTableWidget cell when editing. Custom widget on QItemDelegate editor for Oct 31, 2013 · Is there a way to set the max length of a QTableWidget item (table cell)? I have a table that is editable and I would like the max length to be 3 when a user is editing a cell. ui. QTableWidget column span doesnt resize Feb 25, 2017 · Qt doesn't have anything built in for this apparently, you need to calculate and set the size manually. Sep 11, 2010 · From this screenshot you can see a lot of space inside the rows: I've used these functions to get resizing: resizeRowsToContents(); resizeColumnsToContents(); How can I get a better fit for cell Dec 30, 2018 · I have a QTableWidget which I populate with two columns set to resize according to their content. I tried to set a stylesheet like in the code below, but it doesn't have any Jul 30, 2020 · Hello! Is it possible to change the font size while using QStyledItemDelegate? In 'paint" section trying to do next: QStyleOptionViewItemV4 viewOption = opti Jul 18, 2017 · An elegant solution is to create a custom class that inherits from QTableWidget, where you connect the itemChanged signal, this is issued each time the cell changes value (this returns the changed item but will use it only to verify that the default columns are the ones have been changed). I require rows to have height equal to 24. So i think settings minimum and maximums is only solution for this case. Maybe something like. Sep 15, 2015 · I'm using a QTableWidget, but I'm looking for a way to dynamically resize the columns to fit the widget base width. for your first picture, you may add m_tableWidget->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection( true ); to stretch the last column only in case of not fitting Are there any other possible issues (icon size, etc)? – linsek. But for the rows that have cells where it has to wrap the text, it creates a lot of padding on top and bottom of the text which makes the row much larger than it needs to be. tblTable. row – int. How can I do this? -- I have already connected signal with slot. text() This returns 1, the cell at 0,0 regardless of which cell is selected. You can setGeometry after settings layouts but every changes of form size will broke your geometry settings. Resize Column Width QTableWidget. Dec 13, 2024 · Qt: Get Table Cell Widget . If no widget is present in the cell, it returns nullptr. Drag a QTableWidget in MainWindow. I tried using this: self. QHeaderView::section { background-color: #646464; padding: 4px; border: 0px; font-size: 14pt; } Dec 4, 2011 · All is Ok, except that in some cases (long text data in cells) item size is determined wrong and some clipping occures. resizeRowsToContents(). Aug 20, 2017 · I know you can set the alignment for each item using: TableWidget->item(0,0)->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); However I would like to set a default alignment for all the cells in order to Dec 13, 2024 · Check the list size using size(). Setting explicit sizes in stylesheets is almost Nov 19, 2009 · Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 36 Thanks 6 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post Qt products Platforms Dec 6, 2022 · @Jason-Olson I think the problem is caused by global font size change. tableView. So if the size of the row is quite big (several lines of content), it is quite alright. png"); Sep 15, 2015 · I'm using a QTableWidget, but I'm looking for a way to dynamically resize the columns to fit the widget base width. So how do I resize the column width so that text from each cell in that column is completely visible? Also is there something similar for QTableWidget? Thank You. fontMetrics(). After any resizing of tree (resize by width or expand/collapse node) widgets updates correctly. There are many variants – Mar 9, 2016 · The cell background color seems to work with the above style, but now the border isn't showing anymore. setColumnWidth(0, event. (CELL_DATA) # Set the qt_item at position (row It should be noted that since this only takes effect after a resize event, it may have unwanted results. Oct 10, 2013 · Wrong table cell size rendered in QTableWidget. I add rows to it and with the proper layouts, size policies and setStretchLastSection(true) the horizontal size is OK, filling all the available space and changing when the view gets resized. Jul 27, 2014 · Note also that here I simply set the cell color to white and the text color to black, ideally you would set it specifically to the default cell colors (also available from the palette). If a row has 2 words in it, the vertical space given to it is 2 lines. This is how i set up the qtablewidget. When I try to dynamically change the number of columns to N/2 columns, the size of each column does not change. Sep 15, 2011 · Hi! How can I adjust column width in QTableWidget as long as I resize the window, that holds QTableWidget? I need width of each coloumn and height of each row be resized when I resize the window, how can I achieve this? Dec 19, 2016 · I think the title speaks for itself: Given a QTableWidget with items added by the setItem member function, I want to know what the margin is for each item. Jan 13, 2022 · the size is fixed and based on the "pixel" size; text elision is automatically disabled (at least with QHeaderView and with normal styles); This brings us to an important aspect: stylesheets must be used with care (and the only way to be aware of that is experience and studying of the sources). Jul 29, 2019 · I have a problem concerning PyQt5 and widgets resizing in a QMdiSubWindow : the widget, a QTableWidget, should take all the width of the window, but it is only kept in the center, with a fixed widt Aug 20, 2012 · Is there anyway to add like a button in qtablewidget? But the date within the cell would stil have to be displaying, for example if an user double clicked a cell, could i send a signal like a button? Dec 13, 2024 · Cell Selection Issues: Troubleshooting. I now want to retrieve the column widths. This results in the right half the QTableWidget being nothing but whitespace. setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView. that is why I placed the size 14. setColumnWidth(0, 150) self. 2. Apr 26, 2021 · I'm new to Qt and PyQt and wonder how to style the cells of a QTableWidget. column: The column index of the cell you want to retrieve the widget from. Only the columns in my QTableWidget won't. Mar 25, 2013 · If a cell have some data, using tableWidget->item(8,0)->setBackgroundColor(Qt::red); to change the background color will work, but if a cell is blank it will fail. when the blinking cursor appears in a table cell indicating the user can now type in the cell). Sep 18, 2020 · The row size defaults to 25 pixels and I cannot find a way to shrink it. tableWidget-> Oct 17, 2013 · You need to change the size of the icons in the QTableWidget. myfont which is a Qfont objet and self. e. font) (before adding the contents)? As said in my previous answer, the QTextDocument created in paint() doesn't know anything about the context of the delegate (nor its option) because it's a "standalone" one, and it can only use the application defaults; since QApplication. And even if it supports a virtual maximum size of 1048576 rows by 16384 columns, that doesn't mean you can fill every cell with data. 7 and I stuck in a little problem. show() sys. In particular, I want the width of the left margin in these cells. Jan 10, 2012 · add custom widget to QTableWidget cell. begin(), indexes. QTableWidget は、Qt で表形式のデータを扱う一般的な方法ですが、特定のユースケースやパフォーマンス要件によっては、他の手法も検討することができます。 I am just trying to add widgets into my table widget and I am trying the code below but all the time I run the program, the first widget is added but the rest is not added. cell_was_clicked) could be in your setup code, and the function cell_was_clicked might be something like Oct 23, 2013 · From my model's data() I am returning a QString for each cell. Setting a fixed dimension forces the widget to align itself to the default origin, which is usually the top left corner. Jun 16, 2011 · Stretch PyQt QTableWidget cells horizontally to a size that fills the table (Python) 1. Maximum cuts off some of the rows and columns in the table. class HiddenLabel(QLabel): ''' QLable hide Introduction to PyQt QTableWidget class. By default, for a table constructed without row and column counts, this property contains a value of 0. 7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from Aug 18, 2021 · There is a fixed size QTableWidget with some rows and columns, the rest of the QTableWidget is blank and unoccupied. But, with only a few rows, empty space remains at the Sep 26, 2014 · There is QTableWidget. QtWidgets. Could you help me with this? To set text of cells I'm using: ui->table->item(row, column)->setText("example"); Thank you for any help. A combination of using QWidget::setSizePolicy() and QBoxLayout::setStretch() (or more likely QBoxLayout::insertWidget(, int stretch = 0, )) will allow you to acheive the behaviour you refer to where only certain objects expand to fill available Feb 28, 2022 · What about doc. I need to send cellChanged signal with row column and text. Jul 9, 2014 · I am using Qt5. QTableview properties. Mar 17, 2013 · I'm developing some tool in PyQT4 and Python 2. tableWidget->setColumnCount(5); Dec 13, 2024 · Set appropriate minimum and maximum size constraints for the custom widget to prevent overlap. Below code does not work, font size remains unchanged. Feb 12, 2019 · I currently have the python function (below) to build a QTableWidget from a pandas dataframe (df). Therefor i would love to keep the text in one cell but have a wordwrap/make the text have new lines in it. If I set cells text before compilation, everything is OK, but When I'm changing text in table when program is running, changes not showing. With many rows, the vertical size is also OK. The cells need to be sorted in row ascending order std::sort(indexes. setDefaultFont(option. 0 with Qt Creator. Setting the size of an SVG icon in a table cell. I am embedding some QTableWidget(s) recursively inside of each other. tableName. Sep 2, 2021 · The problem is that when a complex widget like an item view is not yet "mapped", the actual size of its children (headers and scroll bars) is not yet updated. Check the QTableWidget's properties related to cell selection, such as setSelectionMode(), setSelectionBehavior(), and setEditTriggers(). Posted by u/Emergency-Argument - 3 votes and 1 comment Jul 14, 2017 · In the following code, I would like to use thicker rule separator between the column 2 and 3 for example. 6. Apr 22, 2014 · I have this widget created with QTableWidget: and I would like that the column of my table resize in order to occupy the entire width of the widget, while for the rows is ok as it is. 2) According to the SO rules, the post must contain a specific question and not a set of questions, since here the answers only answer a question, so I edit your post and delete everything about the other problem you had, so yes you want help in property PᅟySide6. Oct 3, 2014 · I think what you did is you added additional borders for section cells, and the section properties should look like that (although I did not try this solution). You just need to get the relevant model index using currentIndex() , and then pass that to the edit() slot to put the current cell into edit-mode: Aug 4, 2017 · Using this strategy, the customed-widget covers the cell wholly & absolutely, delegate binded to QTableView not working, which means a-double-click() wont make Edit operation on-the cell. This value partly depends on the current style and font, so it may differ Sep 2, 2019 · I want to put a QLineEdit and QLable to the same cell in QTableWidget. To be clear: I want a catch-all signal for any time the cell editing starts (i. If a row has 1 word in it, the vertical space given to it is 1 line. tableWibget->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); my column are resized to content, but that doesn't look good when content is small and grid doesn't fit all the space. 4 To make the cells square shaped do something like this: // set the default size, here i've set it to 20px by 20x table->horizontalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize(20); table->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize(20); // set the resize mode to fixed, so the user cannot change the height/width table->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Fixed); table->verticalHeader()->setResizeMode Jan 29, 2021 · Below code, If Input F1 key, Size up current cell font size. table->item(0, 3); item is null. I tried to solve it like this: May 12, 2018 · The QTableWidget class inherits QAbstractItemView, which has the required APIs. This property holds the number of columns in the table. setPointSize(7); ui. How can I achieve this ? #! /usr/bin/env python2. table. By default, sections all have a standard item size (computed using the default font and system/style configuration), and since the minimum size of the widget is not taken into account, the result is that you only see part of the editor. Oct 7, 2014 · I try to add checkboxes to every cell of my QTableWidget, like this: When I manually change the vertical cell size with mouse, then the top and bottom borders of Feb 8, 2019 · row = self. given bellow is my code: Sep 16, 2020 · Hi, I am trying to set the row height of my QTableWidget but no matter what I try they are not getting smaller. to do so I have to variables self. argv) table = QTableWidget(1,3) table. Problem Accessing items from the returned list using incorrect indices. G Offline. Aug 30, 2018 · Here i want to increase the row height of the headerlabel and font size of the cell items. Nov 21, 2019 · I qt I added a QTableWidget. Hot Network Questions It's based on the size hint for the row, which is derived from the size hint for the item delegate (amongst other things). svg') entry = QtGui. If you don't like that specific height, just change it to something more acceptable (e. Resizing columns in a QTableWidget. But when i span (for example 2 rows) then i only get the height of the first row and i want to get the height of r1+r2. QTableWidget. How can I increase the cell size in the QTableWidget editing state by more than the row size? 0. Note finally that in my case the item still retained a different border from the default one which I didn't attempt to address here. tableWidget->setRowCount(10); . So my problem is that I can't align widget to top of cell and tool doesn't resize row height to defined in widget minimum/fixed height. Possible Cause. Nesbit's Man-size in Marble? Nov 1, 2021 · I would like to create a ‘QTableWidget’ table with two alternating background colors, dark green and light green. However, I could use the following to get the columns to resize: def resizeEvent(self, event): self. exit(app. tableWidget_Calculadora. The text in the cells must have a left padding of 20 pixels. I did encounter a couple bugs with the above. Is there a way to make Qt set the height of rows and width of Feb 26, 2016 · I don't know of any method to set this property to the QTableWidget's content. width()) This resizes the first column only. It seems safe to assume Excel doesn't attempt to render an actual table of that size, either. If you need to keep column width fixed, call resizeRowsToContents after the insertion of the item to the cell (I assume you're adding text to the table via QTableWidgetItem). py i just resized the columns: self. postEvent(self, QKeyEvent(QKeyEvent. 5. self. exec_()) Jan 22, 2021 · @Arash 1) To avoid unnecessary discussions please read How to Ask, How to Answer and pass the tour that you were given when you created your account. Dec 13, 2018 · Right now my hole text per cell is written in one really long line, but i would like that it is nice to look at/readable in the destopapplication. Use a debugger to inspect the list contents and indices. Previously someone asked how to center a QCheckBox in a QTableWidget's cell so it's not offset on the left hand side. May 12, 2018 · thank you for the above, this was very helpful. May 20, 2022 · Let's assume there is an attribute table of a vector layer which was opened with F6, see image below With the code below I could set the minimum height and width of all cells in the attribute table. Dec 16, 2019 · You can set the size (or resize mode, for example automatic resizing, or the "stretching" to the available width) whenever a model is applied to the item view. I need to send signal. QtCore import * from PySide. But there is one problem, in my QTabWidget I have a QTableWidget with two columns (layout is also "Grid"). i have the following code defining the gui of my app class Ui (object): def setupUi(): self. Aug 26, 2015 · I would do it without making an additional class, but storing the widget's row and column in a map: class YourWidgetWithTable { public: void foo() { //when you add cell widgets, do something like this: QCheckBox * b = new QCheckBox(); tableWidget->setCellWidget(row, col, b); _widgetCells[b] = QPoint(row, col); connect(b, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &YourWidgetWithTable Aug 15, 2016 · The only place I found to do so in the Designer is to click each cell in the editing form and set it as read only, I guess that a workaround I wanted to avoid would still be better than doing this – Dijdkay Nov 26, 2018 · I have a simple code that Creates a QTableWidget. This works fine, and mostly does what I want it to do. The items in the QTableWidget are created using the QTableWidgetItem class. Incorrect List Size The list might be smaller than expected. Now when I click on a cell, the dotted focus rectangle is inset into the cell. 1. To develop it further, it should check for presence of a horizontal scrollbar before adding that to the size. I have fiddled with almost every QTableWidget setting in QtDesigner. Mar 6, 2019 · I have a simple Python application with a PyQt QTableWidget with multiple columns and rows. table->item(0, 3)->setTextAlignment(QT::AlignHCenter) But it is a widget, so using: QTableWidgetItem item = ui. This is it: ui->tMeal->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode (QHeaderView::Fixed); Note that legacy (Qt4) applications should use setResizeMode(). Mar 28, 2016 · -Since the size of the table is fixed I can determine how many characters it would take to go over the cell size, which would normally cause a 2nd line to be added-Have the behavior default to stretch but change to ResizeToContents if the length of the text in the cell gets large enough that it would create a 2nd line. Now, I must to read the content of this table and I need to have too the color of text. Aug 26, 2017 · For example the size of the image with respect to the cell and with respect to the text, its position, you want it to be an icon, or that occupy the whole cell, the text is centered or aligned to the left. I tryed play with sizepolicy of widget but there are no useful effect. How to change the font size of QTableWidget header? 6. Aug 24, 2006 · Hi, i have a QTableWidget and set a cellWidget for one particular cell The problem is that my widget has a fixed size and want that widget to be centered (horizontally and vertically) within the cell Any ideas?? Oct 19, 2012 · @void QTableWidget::setColumnWidth ( int column, int width ) @ isn't help? 1 Reply Last reply . cb = QComboBox() cb. So please tell me is their any method to increase the row height of the header labels and font size of cell items. You may set your own font size for this specific widget. Mar 1, 2021 · But i want to be more specific and connect when for example the cell (1,1) changes, not any cell, what my code currently does. table_size which is an int. Dec 19, 2015 · When the cell doesn´t have row/colspan all works fine. The following creates a table widget using the QTableWidget class: table = QTableWidget(parent) Code language: Python (python) Dec 13, 2024 · QTableWidget の代替手法. I can get the cell using: ui. I add a QPushButton into the cell with the function setCellWidget(). setIcon(icon) e Sep 23, 2021 · The problem is that setting the minimum size of the cell widget does not set the minimum size of the section. This suffices for my usage though. Below is an example for #2: QTableWidget* tableWidget = new At the end of this method I resize the rows to the contents using QTableWidget. i see the QTableWidgetItem class has a method to align the text (int QTableWidgetItem::textAlignment const) i find no way to adjust the placement of the icon (which seems to get stuck on the left -- even where there is no text in the cell) look at the Status and Energy columns. On the image, col_2 is what I want. 2024-12-13. Jun 14, 2018 · item->setSizeHint( widget->sizeHint() ); For the people ending here from google. So, with . QtGui import * import sys app = QApplication(sys. The final GUI will have 4 to a couple thousand squares. setStyleSheet() can only set widget properties, any font value (even if set with the Jun 7, 2017 · I am able to adjust the tables correctly while increasing the window size, that is, the cells maintain equal sizes and the QTableWidgets adjust their sizes to the free space. I've 3 buttons in stored in widget and that widget is in cell in the table (QTableWidget). Apply a verticalLayout to Mainwindow. Removes the widget set on the cell indicated by row and column. QTableWidget(self. Here is my code: data = ['first_row', 'second_row', 'third_row'] nb_row = len( Sep 13, 2013 · I am trying to decrease the size of the font in horizontal header of a QTableWidget. I'd like to know how Table widgets can be constructed with the required numbers of rows and columns: tableWidget =newQTableWidget(12,3,this); Alternatively, tables can be constructed without a given size and resized later: tableWidget =newQTableWidget(this); . currentRow() cell = self. Note that the function is stand-alone, like a plugin. setStyleSheet('QTableView::item {border: 0px; padding: 5px;} ') That indented the text but introduced a new problem. This is the code: Jan 6, 2022 · When setting an index widget, the view tries to set the widget geometry based on the visualRect() of the index. If the user resizes a column to a size that is just smaller than the cell can hold. Looking at the QTableWidget class reference I noticed that itemAt takes two integers and returns 0 if the specified point is not covered by an item in the table widget. Since you're using a QTableWidget (which has its internal private model), you can do that as soon as the widget is created in the interface, which is right after setupUi (or loadUi ) if Jun 26, 2018 · I have created a QTableWidget in which for a column I am setting a combobox QComboBox using setCellWidget function. Sep 1, 2020 · You have to implement a custom painting through a delegate, also it is better to set a default size override the sizeHint() method of the delegate and calling the resizeRowsToContents() and resizeColumnsToContents() methods: Oct 5, 2021 · The problem is that it resizes the rows and columns to the content of the QTableWidget, and not to the size of the QWidget "mainWidget". Thank you! Displaying different colored string in one QTableWidget cell. gRicky. cellClicked. KeyPress, Qt. Problem is when I resize the window, columns of QTableWidget are not automatically adjusted to fit entire screen. Aug 22, 2015 · in Qt5. 3. For example, whenever I resize my window, my QTabWidget resizes and the QTableWidget in it too. . setCellWidget(row_number, column_number , cb ) Jul 29, 2014 · I found this question: How to set the padding of QTableView cells through CSS? It led me to try this: self. PyQt4 QTableWidget: Set row width and column height to fill parent widget. I will make sizePolicy to expanded so that it can be expanded to a larger number. QFont font; font. wrote on last edited by #3. Quick'n'dirty hack is to override delegate's sizeHint() function, but there are thousands of items in the table, and I think, that calling python (!) function for every and each cell of the huge table is bad. removeCellWidget (row, column) ¶ Parameters:. fffkiuhq shsods tfdno eodi gwv mxua szazas vcexsb uejgyn tdewm