Tissue salts for mucus If the discomfort needs long-term repetition of a dosage, discontinue use and seek possible sources for this problem in your diet or lifestyle. 5 If you’re using tissue salts to address a specific symptom and imbalance, take up to six tablets a day in a regime of one dose every 30 minutes until symptoms subside. 2, Calc Phos might be just what you need. Mucus is produced by mucous cells found in the surface epithelium (e. 1-12), including their numbering systems, functions, and deficiencies treated. May 9, 2011 · Dr. Reduce the frequency with relief of the feelings. ¹ As such, Kali Mur. Provides a combination of the essential 12 mineral cell salts that are vital to cellular health and function. Kali-sulph tissue salts cover the third stage of inflammation. Kali Mur. What are Schuessler’s Tissue Salts? Schuessler’s 12 Tissue Salts (cell salt or biochemic) remedies are often called a ‘medicine chest’ for the whole family. Cell salts are important for daily functioning, maintaining, rebuilding, and detoxifying the cells. Triple Complex Mucus-Clear is 100% homeopathic and it contains the following three homeopathic remedies: Kali muriaticum 6X HPUS This homeopathic cell salt is a beautiful healer for inflammation of any mucus membrane anywhere in the body: ear, nose, throat or lungs i. May 12, 2022 · What Are Tissue (Cell) Salts? Schussler’s Tissue Salts (also known as biochemical or cell salts) are potentized micro-doses of the 12 essential minerals your body needs to repair and maintain itself. Nat phos Nat phos is an acid-neutralizing tissue salt. Schussler, are biochemical salts of the twelve most common mineral salts in each of the body’s cells and tissues. Fluor. He believed that tissue salts are capable of restoring mineral […] Mucus is a viscous, gel-like material consisting of various macromolecules, inorganic salts, and water. He used 12 essential cell salts to balance . Most times a cough is a common symptom for colds and the flu. Tissue salt No 4, also known as Kalium muriaticum, is the salt of inflammation of mucous membranes. In Health and Happiness, Kelly Harrington, MS, RDN. Aug 12, 2024 · This tissue salt supports the discharge of thick, white mucus and phlegm, easing congestion in your nose, chest, throat, and ears. 6. For a list of self-help remedies for minor ailments and first aid situations for all the family, please visit Materia Medica or the Featured section at the top of the page for help with a wide range of specific complaints covering sleep, stress, hay fever, travel, winter ailments and much more. Kali Phos (Nerve Nutrient Support) Discover the top 7 homeopathic remedies for sore throats and essential tissue salts to ease pain and inflammation. Tissue Salts Simplexes Remedies Simplexes A range of 12 individual Tissue Salts, formulated to support your body’s health and healing process by regulating your cell’s mineral levels. Traditionally, Nat Mur has been used to tackle runny noses and excess mucus - classic symptoms of hay fever or sensitivities to pollen, grass Oct 18, 2018 · Schuessler Tissue Salts. Effective tissue salt prescribing does require a detailed knowledge of all the constitutional groups and subgroups and the areas of action each tissue salt has. Kali Sulph, the "chronic inflammation" salt, is helpful in relieving chronic skin disorders and inflammation. Kali Sulph is a biochemic cell (tissue) salt that has been used by homeopaths and home prescribers the world over for nearly 200 years to address inflammations anywhere in the body, especially if accompanied by yellow-green discharges. Wilhelm Schuessler, a German physician from the late 1800s. Its deficiency causes boils, abscess, dry and brittle hair, irritability, short temper and increased sensitivity to light. Cell Salts, developed by German doctor Dr. Schuessler believed that health is the body’s natural state and that the body can heal itself by restoring an underlying imbalance. Kali mur is a biochemic cell (tissue) salt that has been used by homeopaths and home prescribers the world over for nearly 200 years to heal inflammations especially where mucus membranes anywhere in the body are inflamed. Calcium sulfate, or Calcarea Sulphurica and short tissue salt Calc Sulph, helps with purifying the blood and reducing infection. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short period and for the mouth to be free of any other tastes (toothpaste, peppermint, etc. Use it for thick, white discharges giving rise to catarrhs affecting the skin and mucous membranes. Biochemic tissue salts, also called cell salts are minerals in an energy form. Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride) This salt regulates water balance in the body and is used for conditions arising from water imbalance, such as dry skin, dehydration, and edema. Additionally, Kali Mur supports the immune system Helps relieve colds, sore throats, and runny noses¹. But did you know that there's an answer to your body's insufficient nutrient intake? Tissue salts help balance the body and manage a variety of ailments. H. Common disorders that respond to the tissue salts include colds and flus, gastrointestinal upsets, slow healing wounds, skin disorders, ear and eye infections, headaches, insomnia, and irritability. Nat mur is the water balancing tissue salt. Schuessler's theory that maintaining balance of the body's 12 essential mineral salts is crucial for cell function and health. In addition they are also found in tiny quantities in our food however die to the chemicals and pesticides it is very difficult for us to absorb them. It is indicated for dandruff, dry scalp, and balding. Dec 1, 2021 · This tissue salt is often called Calcarea Phosphorica or short tissue salt Calc Phos and used as a key overall wellness tonic. How to take. B. To view, print or download the original article: Gentle Little Souls Everyday Uses for Tissue Cell Salts Download CONTENTS a little historycell salt conundrumit could be constitutionaltrusted friends#1 Calcarea fluorica : your beautiful bones#2 Calcarea phosphorica : general tonic#3 Calcarea sulphurica : yellow, blood-streaked stuff#4 Ferrum phosphoricum : any old iron#5 What Are Tissue Salts? Tissue salts, also known as cell salts or biochemic salts, are a group of minerals found naturally in our bodies, and essential for keeping us healthy. •Structural support for bones and teeth. So the tissue salts have an effect at the physiological level. Always read the label and use only as directed. (Kali Muriaticum) specializes in helping the body clear congestions before white matures to yellow, saving energy and distress. Mar 26, 2019 · The Tissue Salts of the Potassium Family, or the Kali’s, are well known for their cleansing abilities; to decongest, clear out stubborn infections, perk up the mind, and nourish the tissues. Natura's trusted tissue salts are a valuable addition to your routine for restoring Sep 20, 2024 · What does mucus do? Mucus has a lot of important jobs, including: Blocking germs and harmful particles from getting into your body’s tissues. What do you need assistance with? Pick treatment type from the dropdown All RemediesStress & AnxietySleeplessnessExams, Concentration, Hyperactivity & Mental FatigueSadness & Griefheadaches & Migraine Calc Kali Mur is found throughout the body, especially in connective tissue and is helpful for second stage of inflammation. Chapman, J. St. Tissue salt therapy was devised in the nineteenth century by W. Dr. Recommended in the second stage of illnesses, it helps prevent disease solidification and facilitates muscle, nerve fibers, and blood fibrous substance maintenance. Ulcerated sore throat, tonsillitis, catarrhal infection of the middle ear call for this tissue salt in alternation with Ferr Phos. These three salts are incredible for ailments like headaches, swelling, depression, indigestion, arthritis and more. Use of the tablets: Kali Mur Tissue Salts. Each of the twelve cell salts corresponds to specific minerals and is associated with particular functions and organs within the body. D) The salts provide the three-dimensional image of the specimen. Calc Fluor #1: Maintain/restore elasticity of Natura Biochemic Tissue Salts Kali Mur 125 Tablets helps prevent and treat thick, white mucous discharges, respiratory congestion, skin eruptions and oral thrush. 2. Kali sulph is also indicated for conditions associated with sticky, yellow discharges such as colds with greenish or yellow catarrh, bronchial asthma with yellow expectorations, eczema and seborrhoea Strong Bones & Teeth Bones that are strong and healthy from a young age are more likely to remain strong and healthy throughout our lives. •Nutritional cell salt -digestion and assimilation. txt) or read online for free. They are prepared in homeopathic 6X potencies that are gentle enough to be used by the youngest to the eldest member of your family. The standard dosage for adults is usually 4 tablets taken 3-4 times Cell salts internal You can use the following cell salts for the treatment of dry eye : No. ) Nov 4, 2024 · Salt therapy for mucus encompasses various techniques using salt to clear airways. Main uses include dry skin (dandruff, eczema), muscle pain, cold with yellow mucus discharge, bronchitis, sinusitis. Kali Phos: This tissue salt aids in maintaining healthy water distribution. Choose the right cell salt: You can deside yourself wether you want to take all fitting cell salts together, only three salts at a time or only one salt at a time. When choosing tissue salts, we look at the symptoms being exhibited. Kali Mur is the fifth of the twelve cell salts. Each tablet contains equal amounts of 6x: Ferr phos (Ferrum phosphate) Kali mur (Potassium How to use; Ingredients; Warnings; Spray: How to use. Tissue salts have been suggested to benefit the respiratory system. The tissue salts help maintain health by supporting cellular functions, tissue Nov 11, 2019 · Tissue salts are prepared homeopathically but are a low potency – 6x. </p> <p>The 12 individual Tissue Salts in our range are made to the original formula and method first pioneered by Dr Wilhelm Schuessler in the 19th Century, after his extensive work and research. Main uses for this tissue salt include use in respiratory complaints such as cough, colds, bronchitis, mucous congestion (clear to white mucous), and swollen joints. Kali Phos (Nerve Nutrient Support): When life gets stressful, Kali Phos comes to the rescue. 2) It describes the 12 tissue salts, their chemical formulas, names, and key functions. Feb 9, 2024 · Often referred to as the anti-spasm salt, it's used to alleviate cramps, spasms, and sharp pains, including menstrual cramps and muscle tension. Tissue Salt Guide. Tissue salts can provide the body's cells with the necessary nutrients and mineral balance it needs to maintain normal cell function. Together all 12 of these mineral cell salts combined are called Bioplasma. Ferr Phos – FIRST AID | 125 Tablets Find Out More ; Kali Mur – GLANDULAR TONIC | 125 Tablets Find Out More ; Kali Sulph – SKIN BALANCE | 125 Tablets Apr 6, 2020 · Kali-sulph tissue salts for the third stage of infection, to clear yellow, thick mucous, to heal the skin and clear mucous membranes. The imbalance of minerals does not allow the normal Tissue Salts provide the cells with the essential nutrients that they lack; proper mineral balance in necessary for normal cell function. These 12 basic cell salts are available in a lot of countries worldwide. The Schuessler cell or tissue salts you will want to have handy as respiratory illnesses are on the rise include: Calcarea Sulphurica (Tissue Salt #3), Ferrum Phosphoricum (Tissue Salt #4), Kali Muriaticum (Tissue Salt #5), Kali Sulphuricum (Tissue Salt #7) and Natrum Sulphuricum (Tissue Salt #11). A cough is a common reflux action that clears mucus, foreign irritants from your throat. The minerals are Calcium fluoride, Calcium phosphate, Calcium sulphate, Ferrum phosphate, Potassium chloride, Potassium phosphate, Magnesium phosphate, Sodium chloride Kali Sulph (Skin Salt) – This tissue salt has an affinity for cells forming the lining of the skin and cells forming the internal mucous lining of all internal organs. How to choose Tissue Salts. Magnesium Phosphate (MP) The muscle Catarrh is the troublesome discharge formed as a result of inflammation of the mucous membranes at the back of the nose. Oct 26, 2023 · Tissue salts, also known as cell salts or Schuessler salts, are tiny, easy-to-absorb minerals that our bodies need for optimal health. Therefore these mineral salts are called "cell salts" or "tissue salts". 3 sprays into the mouth. It helps to regulate fluid balance in the body, which can relieve congestion and excess mucus. It also mentions additional tissue salts nos. Schüssler, one of the reasons that lead to the disease is the lack of minerals in the body. The tablets are not swallowed, but rather you chew them or let them dissolve inside the mouth so the salts are absorbed via the mucus membranes. When our tissue salts become depleted or imbalanced, we become vulnerable to all types of ailments and diseases. Dec 12, 2022 · Five Tissue Salts for Respiratory Illnesses. Used for eczema and seborrhoea, with Discover the natural harmony of Tissue Salts at Divine Soul Centre. When it is missing, this can lead to dry skin and dandruff or to mucus membranes having discharges. Changing Tissue Salts Dry Skin & Mucus Membrane Support: The Traditionally used Tissue Salt, Kali sulph, is important for the maintenance of healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes. Table 2 gives a brief guide to each tissue salt and its main area of action, which may help practitioners to integrate this system into current treatment methods. For relief of symptoms of nervousness, irritability and occasional sleeplessness. They were discovered by Dr. It is therefore best to allow the Schuessler salts to dissolve in the mouth. The mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), also called mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue, is a diffuse system of small concentrations of lymphoid tissue found in various submucosal membrane sites of the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, thyroid, breast, lung, salivary glands, eye, and skin. The document reviews the 12 Schuessler Tissue Salt minerals, providing a brief description of each mineral's functions and examples of common ailments it can help with. At that, various remedies can be combined. Kali Mur: Say goodbye to mucus and phlegm with this congestion reliever. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, while studying homeopathy discovered that these 12 salts were vital to our health and by taking them we Aug 2, 2024 · The cell salts can be grouped in 4 segments: 1) 3 Calcium salts, 2) 3 Potassium salts, 3) 3 Sodium salts, and 4) Iron, Magnesium, and Silica. He found this in our very cells and he noted what kind of problems the body faced when it was deficient in any one of these tissue salts. Tissue Salt Therapy. It is useful for an *note: Healthy Goods no longer sells cell salts, but we left this content for your information. It can many times be difficult to Sep 19, 2024 · If you’re the type who seems to catch every bug that’s going around, or if you’re dealing with post-nasal drip, persistent mucus, or just plain exhaustion, Tissue Salt No. Assists with: Catarrh; Sinus; Available in: 125 Tablets. Aug 13, 2024 · Tissue salts are remedies that should not be taken on an ongoing basis for any problem. Effective first-aid solutions at home! Sore throats can be distressingly painful, so I thought I'd share my top natural first aid options with you today. Louis: Formur, 1994. These methods range from simple practices like gargling with salty air to more specialized treatments involving a salt cave spa or dry salt particles. Imbalances can lead to illness. Other problems helped by this tissue salt are constipation, digestive complaints, and headaches that are worse in the morning and from the sun. 4, Kalium chloratum or potassium chloride, is essential for gland function, detoxification, and fibrous tissue formation. Remedies by kingdom: tissue-salts. Combination Q incorporates four tissue salts to help relieve these symptoms. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for Healthy Goods References: 1. Dec 13, 2023 · Traditionally used to help relieve conditions which are associated with mucus and phlegm. Cell salt #5 is associated with the color WHITE: White tongue, White mucus, White pus. Each tissue salt corresponds to a specific mineral and is associated with certain physiological functions and symptoms. Where is Kali Sulph found? It primarily effects the skin and the mucus membranes. Calcarea fluorica (Calc. Nat Phos affects our mucus membranes, bile ducts, nerves, stomach, intestines, and the lymphatic system. Schüssler himself. There is an easy-to-remember range of twelve very versatile remedies Aug 2, 2024 · Tissue salts gently support health by replenishing essential minerals and promoting optimal cellular function. Without these mineral builders and activators of the cells and tissues in the body, the basic functions can’t happen - even food, water and oxygen can’t be absorbed and used effectively if certain of these Apr 1, 2019 · The modern lifestyle results in a depletion of our body's nutrients, resulting in deficiencies, illness and weakened immune systems. Aug 7, 2024 · This tissue salt supports the discharge of thick, white mucus and phlegm, easing congestion in your nose, chest, throat and ears. Oct 29, 2024 · These three Schuessler tissue salts for teeth are cell salt Calcarea Fluorica, cell salt Calcarea Phosphoricum, and cell salt Silicea or Silica. For maintenance, a dose of More information can be found in, “The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schüssler” by Boericke and Dewey, which includes all of Schüssler’s original indications and also incorporates symptoms elicited from provings by homeopaths Allen and Hering—thereby increasing the tissue salts’ homeopathic potential and usefulness. For maintenance, a dose of Apr 3, 2023 · Tissue salts provide small doses of the minerals to encourage the body to better absorb the minerals from the food we eat. As we all know Calcium is important for strong bones and also for healthy muscles. How can Kali Mur help you? Tissue salts are therefore minerals in an energy form, held in a lactose base and released into the bloodstream via the mucous membranes when they are dissolved in the mouth. The twelve tissue salts are: 1. The twelve most common mineral Tissue Salts are also found in the human body and are therefore critical for maintaining good health. They regulate the cell’s mineral level and support the body’s health and healing process. Jun 2, 2023 · Inorganic salts called tissue salts serve as vital components for cellular activity. Where is Kali Mur found? It is primarily found in muscle, nerve, blood and brain cells. •Tonic after mental exhaustion or convalescence. Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be taken half hourly in acute conditions. There are three to be known: Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Kali Sulph– so let’s break them down! Jan 23, 2022 · The cell salts, also called tissue salts, are excellent natural remedies that can help you relieve and recover gently from the common cold, its diverse symptoms, including coughs and runny nose, and often reduce the risk of secondary infections. It seems that every winter children develop coughs, colds, sore throats and chest troubles. Tissue Salts were first developed by the German doctor, Wilhelm Schuessler, who said ill-health was caused by an imbalance in the bodies twelve vital cell salts. Also indicated for conditions associated with sticky, yellow discharges such as colds with greenish or yellow catarrh, bronchial asthma with yellow phlegm. Learn more about what the science says. Tissue salts are flexible companions that aid in cellular equilibrium. Sinus Disorders | 125 Tablets Catarrh is the troublesome discharge formed as a result of inflammation of the mucous membranes at the back of the nose. goblet cells), mucous glands, and mixed glands containing both serous and mucous cells, of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, and visual and auditory systems Kali sulph is important for the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. B) The salts provide greater detailing of tissue as electrons bounce off of the tissue. Sep 25, 2017 · A German physicist and chemist- Dr. Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-9 - Colitis Ulcerative colitis / Crohns Disease they are chronic inflammation of the mucous lining of the intestine, especially of the colon. CELL SALTS QUICK REFERENCE Cell Salt Face Focus Emotional Symptoms Physical Symptoms #7 Kali Sulph Potassium Sulphate Mucus membranes, skin, lungs (associated with the color yellow) Timid, shy people Complaint of tiredness—aversion to work, going through the day is a burden Thick yellow mucus or discharge with a cough, cold, or earache Jul 29, 2024 · Using tissue salts for anxiety relief is generally straightforward, but it’s important to follow some guidelines for optimal results: Recommended dosages and administration methods: Tissue salts typically come in tablet form, although liquid preparations are also available. In the body, they help perform an unlimited number of important functions and are responsible for the health and regen Feb 28, 2024 · Unlike conventional medicine, cell salts are diluted in lactose or sucrose and taken in small doses. BeeHealthy Homeopathic, Alternative medicine, Tissue Salt, Schuessler, Safe, Effective. Tissue Salts are essential minerals, also called Biochemic Cell Salts or Cell Salts. He studied the ashes of people who had been cremated to see what minerals were lacking in their cells and studied the entire history of these people, linking the missing minerals to the diseases they had. Taking little breaks is important so the body does not develop a tolerance. 9, Nat Mur, comes in. Traditionally Nat Mur is the "water-distributing" tissue salt assisting with conditions of excess moisture or dryness as in a runny nose, watery skin eruptions and watery or dry stools. The salts include calcium fluoride, calcium phosphate Kali mur Indications TISSUE SALT NO. Each salt supports different functions of the body and the symptoms we express are excellent indicators of what our body needs. ¹ Tablets are flavorless and dissolve immediately without water for no upset stomach. Traditionally, Nat Mur has been used to tackle runny noses and excess mucus – classic symptoms of hay fever or sensitivities to pollen, grass What are Biochemic Tissue Salts? Biochemic Tissue Salts are minerals that are found naturally in our bodies. Aug 16, 2014 · Each of the tissue salts, developed by a German physician Dr. Schuessler's 12 biochemic tissue salts (nos. Their beauty in nature is remarkable. Tissue salts, also known as cell salts or biochemic salts, are found naturally in rocks and soil, plants and animals (including humans). Dec 8, 2023 · What are tissue salts? Tissue salts, also known as cell salts or Schüssler salts, are a subset of homeopathic remedies. You can take tissue salts for an acute condition every half an hour until things improve, or for ongoing support take them regularly 2-4 times daily for as long as needed. pdf), Text File (. Jun 8, 2018 · Silica: This biochemic tissue salt is a vital component of all connective tissues and mucous membranes such as nails, bone, hair, skin and blood. It’s also a great option if your colds or flu tend to spiral into bigger issues like ear infections or a cough. Children take 1-2 sprays. Experience the tissue salts offered at B Jain Pharmaceuticals to begin an experience of holistic well-being, where cellular equilibrium adds to overall health. 8 (US #9) Sodium chloride; No. Tissue salts are the result of the work of Dr. Each cell salt has a different specialty or function of the body Cell Salt Chemical Name Focus Emotional Symptoms Physical Symptoms #7 Kali Sulph Kali Sulpharicum Mucus membranes, skin, lungs (associated with the color yellow) Timid, shy people Complaint of tiredness—aversion to work, going through the day is a burden Thick yellow mucus or discharge with a cough, cold, or earache AllisOne Tissue Salts - AllisOne Tissue Salts: Regular 60s - AllisOne Tissue Salts: Large 180s - AllisOne Tissue Salts: Sets; Aura-Soma - Equilibrium 50ml - Pomanders - Quintessences - ArchAngeloi - Colour Essences - Rescues - Equilibrium Sets - AirCon Room Sprays - Energised Incense; Super Naturals - Essential Omegas - Healthy Gut Healthy Body Dec 23, 2018 · If mucus becomes viscous, resulting in catarrh (such as with a cold) or bronchitis in the lungs, Kali mur can uproot the condition, allowing the body’s natural processes to clear the mucus. This makes this salt a great option for people looking for ways to Jul 30, 2015 · Colds and hay fevers with watery mucus and sneezing, usually accompanied by a loss of smell and taste, also indicate Nat mur. The Biochemic Handbook: How to Get Well and Keep Fit With Biochemic Tissue Salts. Cell Salts, also known as tissue salt or Schuessler salt, is a type of homeopathic remedy that has been used for over a century. Sep 27, 2024 · The 12 main tissue salts used in homeopathic medicine are claimed to treat a variety of health conditions, from inflammation to metabolism imbalances. This cell salt is associated with the color YELLOW! Whether it be yellow discharge or mucus from a cough, cold, or earache or a yellow-coated tongue, Kali Sulph will help. Kali mur is also used in the production of hydrochloric acid, so it is critical to proper digestive function. In this situation, you would take the tissue salt either for 5 days on with 2 days off, or for 3 weeks on with one week off over many months. Kali Muriaticum | S5 - Schuessler Tissue Salts Kali muriaticum is a remedy for sluggish conditions. Size: 900 Tablets (90 grams) Uses: Tissue salts provide essential nutrients to your cells, helping to maintain overall health. Tissue salts were developed by Wilhelm Schussler, a German homeopathic doctor. They were developed by a German doctor named Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler in the 19th century. Sep 20, 2020 · The 12 Schuessler Tissue Salts, their Primary Functions, and Many Benefits The 12 cell or tissue salts are essential minerals that occur in nature and in our body. Wilhelm Schuessler, a great nineteenth-century German physician. •Affinity -bones, brain, connective tissue, muscles, nerves, teeth. They support — and this is only a compressed list of benefits — healthy bones, teeth, and veins; mucous membranes, nerves, energy, and sleep. Similar to how a vitamin deficit may result in symptoms, and delivering those vitamins will treat those symptoms, supplying the proper tissue salt will treat those symptoms. The so called higher number 13 – 33 are only present in minute quanties and all are very important for health A) The salts provide color to the specimen so that it can be seen. Sep 10, 2020 · Tissue salt (or cell salt as it is nowadays more often referred to) therapy is often the easiest complementary therapy to understand and use, according to Sensitive Midwifery founder Sister Lilian, who strongly advocates the use of these remedies in pregnancy and with babies. Magnesium is also found in our bones and works with calcium to build strong structures. Combining and inter-reacting in the body to produce and maintain an infinite number of tissue-cells of which the human body is composed. Homeopathy, the medicine of energy, is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself by strengthening its own defense mechanisms by using substances selected for their energy-giving properties. Tissue salts are based on the idea that imbalances in the body's 12 essential minerals can lead to various health issues. 9. The human body contains twelve of these essential mineral salts, and a correct balance of them is required for normal cell functioning and to maintain optimal health and wellness. This tissue salt is found in the cells lining the skin, mucous membranes and of muscular tissue Low spirits, headaches with constipation, heartburn, tooth ache, hay fever, craving for salt and salty foods, weak eyes Cartilage, mucus cells Water distributor, aids nutrition and glandular activity, aids cell division and normal growth, aids digestion Stiffness and swelling of the joints, rheumatism, lumbago, golden-yellow This document provides information on Dr. Tissue Salts provide the cells with the essential nutrients that they lack; proper mineral balance in necessary for normal cell function. Some users believe that certain tissue salts can help clear mucus and reduce inflammation, which are common issues in conditions like bronchitis or asthma. May 17, 2012 · He proceeded to identify and work with 12 “tissue salts”, which were located in every human cell. Tissue Salts are a part of Homeopathic Medicine. Use of the tablets: This document provides an overview of Biochemic Tissue Salts, including: 1) It summarizes Dr. Sometimes, there is an associated feeling of hopelessness. Sep 2, 2024 · This is where Tissue Salt No. Kalium sulphuricum, tissue salt No 6, works best when there is a yellow-greenish discharge with a tendency to purulent sinusitis. Tissue Salts improve the overall absorption of nutrients ingested and encourage overall good health and wellbeing. It maintains the fibrous tissues, supports the respiratory and lymphatic systems and is a metabolic activator. They were developed by Dr. They thus become available to the cells and tissues of the body in a very short time, and are not dependent on digestive processes to release the beneficial nutrients. Wilhelm Schüssler, who prepared them according to a special grinding process known as trituration. Oct 2, 2023 · Sodium Phosphate or Nat Phos, is an alkaline salt made from bone ash and it acts like a water distributor in the body. Mar 18, 2016 · Did you know that Ferr Phos 6X & Mag Phos 6X are a great duo in more ways than one. Dec 11, 2024 · Tissue salts, also known as cell salts or Schuessler salts, are a group of low-dose remedies made up of potentized mineral salts naturally found in the body's cells. It can relate to vitamins. is ideal for relief of colds, sore throats and runny noses that are accompanied by white discharges. Symptoms accompanying an ailment requiring Nat mur will be characterised by excess moisture or excessive dryness such as constipation with raw and sore anus, or thin, watery diarrhoea. Our Remedies Tissue Salts Tissue Salts Bring your body back to balance with Natura Tissue Salts Tissue salts are the 12 inorganic minerals first discovered by Dr Wilhelm Schüssler to occur naturally in the body. From “The Twelve Tissue Salts of Schuessler” here are just a few examples of the main inorganic materials found in these important cells. Which tissue salt is best for allergies? Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur) is often considered the best tissue salt for allergies, especially for symptoms like a runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes. Tissue Salts Combinations - Free download as PDF File (. g. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare The tablets are not swallowed, but rather you chew them or let them dissolve inside the mouth so the salts are absorbed via the mucus membranes. . If symptoms persist consult your Benefits of tissue salts. Just like a homeopathic remedy, choose the one that suits the person and the situation. Together with Ferrum Phos , Kali Sulph carries oxygen to the cells and tissues. Nat Phos is often thought of as a homeopathic antacid. When the blood lacks the necessary nutrients, the body becomes prone to illness. Cell salts, also known as tissue salts, were first introduced by Dr. Trituration makes these minerals easy for the body to absorb so they are effective even in minute doses. Consequently, the simple logic of Schuessler's Tissue Salts is: 1) The human body contains twelve essential mineral (tissue) salts; and a correct balance of which must be maintained in order to ensure normal cell function and the maintenance of Aug 3, 2022 · What are Tissue Salts? Tissue salts are the minerals such as rock salt that are prepared using the homeopathic method. Biochemic Phosphates: A combination of all five phosphates cell salts. All these mineral salts are found in the tissue of the human body. In the following, you find an overview of the minerals according to Dr Schüssler and their occurrence in the body: How do I take cell salts? To learn how to take cell salts, go here. This document provides treatment suggestions for various health disorders using tissue salts. How to use Dosage. In our spiritual community the necessity of soothing the brain and nervous system from exhaustion during many Ascension Symptoms have given Bioplasma the nickname of the “Starseed Supplement”. Considered the biochemic ear, nose, throat and lung specialist, Kali Mur (Potassium Chloride) Tissue Salts (180 tablets) is often turned to for respiratory issues, and its anti-inflammatory properties work well for addressing skin conditions such as acne and eruption. For example, a rhinitis or otitis with whitish color. The correct blend of the individual recommended salts and distribution throughout the day are important for taking the Schuessler salts. Schuessler contended that disease is fundamentally caused by insufficiencies of mineral salts in the tissue cells of the body and that supplying these salts corrects the deficiencies and thereby ameliorates disease. So, what are tissue salts exactly? Carry on reading to find out the simple explanation of what tissue salts These tissue salts can be applied to assist in the treatment of acute and chronic conditions bacterial, viral and fungal. Available in small, easy-to-dissolve tablets made from a lactose base, they’re convenient and effective. By aiding cell function and balance, they might enhance the overall health of the lungs and airways. Calcium Sulfate #3. Cough, Cold, Inflamed Tonsils & Mucous Discharge Irritability, Sensitive, Nervous, Excitable, Anxious Dreams & Sleeplessness Bone Health, Toothache & Teething Join our newsletter for exclusive offers! This is a long article. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler in the 19th century, who believed that imbalances in these salts could lead to various health issues. 10. Constipation Dry Painful Sinuses What are Tissue Salts. Main focus: mucous membranes, skin lungs, yellow discharges. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, are based on the principle that an imbalance in twelve important mineral salts in the body can lead to the disease condition. For immediate concerns, take a dose every half hour; for long-term issues, once or twice a day is usually enough. Dr Schüssler found that administering minute doses of these 12 inorganic nutrients could help correct imbalances and promote healthy functioning […] This is where Tissue Salt No. ) when taking the Tissues salts were originally identified by the 19th century German physician, Dr. The most important cell salts are the wellknown twelve basic cell salts. Calcarea Fluorica (Calcium Fluoride): Jul 16, 2021 · Here’s my quick guide to using the 12 Schuessler mineral salts: You can probably tell which ones are my favourites, but know that each and every tissue salt has its place and I’ve used every single one when the symptoms fit. Sep 19, 2024 · If you’re the type who seems to catch every bug that’s going around, or if you’re dealing with post-nasal drip, persistent mucus, or just plain exhaustion, Tissue Salt No. Often called by their short name – Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, and Silica – they help restore minerals to tooth enamel, support the main part of the tooth underneath called dentin, and help produce Cold & Cough Relief Find Out More . Designed to support natural body processes, these easy-to-take tablets are suitable for all ages and provide a convenient solution to specific skin and mucus-related symptoms. Additionally, it is effective in managing ear infections and oral thrush, and it supports the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Kali Mur No5 is a mucus decongestant and helps to strengthen a weak immune system. 5 Kali Mur removes excess mucus and phlegm from mucous membranes. Tissue salts aim to treat ailments by correcting imbalances or deficiencies in the body’s cell nutrition, helping the body to <p>Following an extensive development programme, we are delighted to introduce our own range of Helios Tissue Salts. •Growth and development. It aids in the internal respiratory process of the body. Often a craving for salt develops, and the spirits tend to be low. The balance of these salts in the cells is crucial to the body and when this balance is disturbed it affects cell function and can result in illness. William H Schuessler- discovered what he called tissue salts back in the beginning of the 19th century. easily into the cells. Each approach has advantages, so finding the right fit is essential. When you feel ‘congested’. 11 (US #12) Silica. Soft glandular swellings call for this remedy and also chronic rheumatic swellings. Dive into the world of biochemic remedies designed to support overall health and balance. Jun 26, 2023 · By replenishing these minerals in a highly diluted and potentized form, tissue salts aim to restore balance and promote overall well-being. Natura Kali Sulph Biochemic Tissue Salt Tablets 125 Pack aids in treating yellow/green mucus discharges and dry, scaly skin or scalp conditions like cradle cap. General tissue mineral supplement. This can help ward off illness due to nutrient deficiency, improve the absorption of essential nutrients, and promote overall health and wellbeing. Tissue salts do not prevent conditions and should not be used as nutritional supplements. The minerals are absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. They are typically found in 6X potency and are absorbed . One of the major benefi ts of tissue salts is that Kali Sulph, also known as Potassium Sulphate, is the seventh of twelve cell salts. required tissue biochemic salts to the organism in a finely divided assailable (adjustable) form. It can also be helpful for conditions such Schuessler Tissue Salts Cough & Cold Relief is a Tissue Salt Combination for relief of inflamed tonsils, coughs, colds and mucous discharge. Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-8 Tissue salts for diarrhoea. These popular remedies, often known as Biochemic Cell Salts, cover a Jul 9, 2020 · Tissue salts: Calc Phos No2; Kali Mur No5; Nat Sulph No11 Functions: Calc Phos No2 speeds up recovery after illness. According to German physician and biochemist W. C) The salts are acidic and attract to the specimen. Rescue may be taken up to every 15 minutes. Jan 21, 2019 · Dr Shuessler's Tissue Salts Kalium Sulphate (PS) Maintains healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes, and is an oxygen carrier. for coughs, colds, earaches or sore throats typically with discharges (catarrh, mucus or phlegm) that are white. The traditionally used Tissue Salt, Kali phos, is the main Biochemic Tissue salt which functions as a ‘nerve’ nutrient. Let's explore each of the twelve cell salts and their purported uses: 1. 1. Apr 9, 2019 · Natrum Muriaticum balances salt and fluids, Natrum Phosphoricum focuses on the acid/alkaline balance, and Natrum Sulphate regulates water and waste. H. Advice by ailment. Schuessler, a medical doctor and homeopath. There are the basic 12 tissue salts (plus 21 additional tissue salts, from number 13-33, thanks to the timeless research work of the Biochemical associations in Europe we now have 33 Tissue salts, all present in the human body. Avoid touching the cap to your mouth. Each and every Tissue Salts or Cell Salts are vital mineral constituents of the body. Tissue Salt Keywords The following table contains the keywords associated with the 12 Tissue Salts: Tissue Salt Keywords Tissue Salt Principle Function Constituent Indications Deficiency Symptoms (1) Calc Fluor Tissue restorer Constituent of connective tissue in the body For muscles, circulation, varicose veins, skin, and teeth Restores, and Cell salts internal You can use the following cell salts for the treatment of dry eye : No. e. As our stressful modern lifestyl Tissue Salts provide the cells with the essential nutrients that they lack; proper mineral balance in necessary for normal cell function. Aug 21, 2022 · The tissue salt balanced out the iron (ferrum) needs in the cell, allowing the body to use the ingested iron effectively. Housing antibodies to disable and mark germs for destruction by immune cells. This tissue salt influences the metabolism of sugar and protein and is very important in maintaining balanced intestinal activity. Used for • Blocked nose• Colds with think white mucus congestion Mode of Action Kali Mur is used to relieve conditions such as coughs and colds, sinusitis and tonsillitis where there is a white or grey, tough, sticky secretion and a stuffy Natura Kali Mur Biochemic Tissue Salt Tablets 125 Pack contain kali mur, which acts as a mucous decongestant to alleviate symptoms of coughs, colds, sinusitis, and tonsillitis. Explore our curated selection of Tissue Salts and unlock the potential for wellness through the power of nature. This means they provide a physical support but have less of an effect on mental or emotional health. Micro-doses of minerals enhance the body’s natural capacity to heal and flourish by correcting imbalances. 13-27 that Schuessler was not able to fully analyze due to limitations of technology at the time. Kali Mur conditions the blood and mucous membranes and can be considered the biochemic ear, nose, throat and lung specialist of the salts. What is Natura Biochemic Tissue Salts Kali Sulph (7)? Homeopathic preparation used for the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. When taking tissue salts, tip the tablets into the lid and drop them into your mouth. •Tissue healing and repair. Schuessler's Schuessler Salt No. Which Tissue Salt Do I Need?Which Schüssler-Salt is 'just the ticket'? Depending on the need different Schüssler-Salts are applicable. Jan 31, 2023 · The 12 basic tissue salts consist of compounds of inorganic elements – sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine and silicon. deficiencies in the body. hrcsxx mmmdlz wnobpqe jkdb lanxu pgnpqd twey fgnfb ijmwt rwupxach