Growth spurt in 20s reddit I'm starting to feel like I can grow at any moment now. 3” morning height I had been since age 17-18, up to 5’7. I'd just wait for your annual doctor's check-up and ask him your lifetime growth patterns to see where you fall in terms of height growth overall. And my older brother who was 5'9" at 16 is now 6'4" at 21. These growth spurts always happen in December and they happen pretty much overnight. I also managed to grow my first real beard at the age of 22. Well, just wondering. Growth happens only while sleeping. You maybe didn't stop growing until your early 20s, but a lot of guys' beards haven't finished coming in or their voices haven't stopped dropping until their early 20s, too. When did you guys hit your growth spurt if so how much did you grow? I'm 14 and had one initial growth spurt of a whopping 3 inches, when I was 11. I had a couple friends that were pretty short until after they went to college. I quit growing at late 18. While some hit their max height early (like me, I was 6'6 by freshman year but thats due to a severe connective tissue disorder) most men continue to grow into their 20s. Went up a shoe size this year despite being a US 11 for 4 years straight. 20 votes, 40 comments. A lot of trans people start T in their mid-20s or later and their plates are most likely fused by then which doesn’t allow further growth. After years they have faded from when they used to be bright purple. 5cm just shy away from 188 cm, anyways guys did anyone grew Taller after 25 and if so how did it catch up. He immigrated to USA. If you look up growth charts and height-by-age percentiles you'll see that women's height generally peaks at 16-17 and men's at 20-21 (in western countries). 22, turning 23 in 2 months, I’ve been 5’10 barefoot since I was 15 that’s when I went through my growth spurt. 5 or 1. I'm at 6'5" and the drawbacks are annoying enough at this height. Congratulations! I don't want to give false hope, but like I wrote in an earlier comment; "I randomly grew 2 inches between ages 21-22, after having stopped growing at around 18 years old" And the later growth spurts that get men to their full height is driven by the presence of testosterone so it's absolutely fair to consider it part of puberty. 7 BMI btw], did heavy exercise twice a day (what professional athletes do), had 3% bodyfat (that is dangerously low, you pretty much can't be alive and under 3%) and you'd still be at 3. At about 15. 5, although I believed I was done growing as there was no growth between the age of mid 16-18. On the 10th day she slept through the night and took all of her day time naps. But an extra inch of growth and strong, confident posture can go a long way. Was a bit disappointed that I never got the HS growth spurt that everyone talked up to me. Major growth spurts are most common in the early teenage years. Not sure if it has much to do with it. She only wakes up once at night between 3-4. If you’re somebody who hit puberty very late, you’ll probably grow well into 20s. It takes a simple x ray to determine if your growth plate is still open, and then it’s likely you could grow maybe a few inches at your age with the GH. Over the 5 years you’ll probably grow more in terms of muscle development. I myself inherited my height from my mothers family since they are all 6'2. It is likely that your growth plates have not closed yet at 18, and if that’s the case, you can take growth hormone prescribed by a physician/endocrinologist. I was never 6'0. 25" to 6'0. I grew from 5’7 to 5’8. Doctors will generally tell you that you won’t grow more than an inch after you get your period because the release of sex hormones actually fuses your longitudinal growth plates on your bones. but i also started my puberty pretty late compared to my peers, so yes its like the tortoise and the hare, if you rush your growth early you usually end up shorter than if you grow very slowly over a long period of time Extremely unlikely. My baby is 3 weeks old, and normally he always eats about every 2-2. And my growth plates have not fused. 20 votes, 20 comments. So yes for some people growth spurts in their 20s could be normal. Sleep is the most important thing. According to healthline growth in men is unlikely to occur after the ages of 18-20, which doesn't mean it is impossible. Havn't had any significant growth since 16. I definitely believe it’s possible to have growth spurts in your late teens and early 20s. I’d say probably a spurt. My growth plates fused. Yeah. Only the tall guys have gotten their growth spurts and short ones have not. Men's bodies develop later than women's but even for them, you're pretty much done around age 20. 5 in the morning, that was a mismeasurement, I was actually 5'11. I've known several guys who had growth spurts after age 22 and college graduation. So I stayed a very average 5'9. I’m the opposite I grew slowly with no sudden growth spurt and was 6’0 by 20. I grew 2 inches freshman year, and I've been 5'5" ever since (I'm 25 now). I'm surprised no doctor wants to publish a case study on you. Mens fist stage of puberty is like acne, voice and a little bit of a growth spurt. Very fascinating. So r/tall, tell me about your late growth spurts! Growth plates normally fuse when your estrogen peak at their highest levels. Would always be sore and if bumped or hit would be extremely painful. Jun 3, 2024 · This sub reddit only allows text posts, as this is purely a question and answer sub. true. This depends on your genetic potential and your bones' sensitivity to these hormones. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about second growth spurts and if they are rooted in genetics. I don’t think I hit 6 feet until my 20’s. Has anyone else experienced this, a late growth spurt in your early 20s? Had Osgood growing up. May 1, 2024 · Hi OP- yes, there is. On my mum's side my uncle grew till his early 20s, and my dad is a solid 6'. 70 cm), and I haven’t grown taller since the pandemic, which is like 2-3 years ago. As in did you go from not being able to grow a beard/only having a patchy beard in your early 20s to suddenly being able to grow a beard? Or was it a slower more gradual process? Archived post. Something about bone plates ending major growth of bones. Depends. Now, this doesn't mean he'll have a growth spurt, it could very well be that he'll grow a few more inches gradually (I'm also assuming that at that height, he's had at least one growth spurt before). I shot up early. For example I stopped growing at 12 after a ~18 month growth spurt and went from 5'3" to 5'11". But family and friends kept commenting that they thought I was still growing even at 23, so I measured myself and yeah, I had grown. My last major growth spurt was at the age of 18-19, when I grew about 3 cm in about 2 months. I'm currently about 5 foot 11 and 18 years old. Got measured when I just turned 21 and I was a bit over 6'11". It is likely. Also some guys beards are patchy and not fully grown in until as late as 25 4. That's why late bloomers tend to get a couple of inches. And, as icing on the cake, my family doctor had, when I was 13, told my family that I wouldn't get much above 5'1". It all depends on when your growth plates fuse. I thought I would grow again later but it never happened. 16 at the latest. My sister went to medical school so I learned all of this from her. I am from a family where late growth spurts are pretty common. Wow that's awesome. It started when I was 19 when I was 184cm and I am 24 now and at 189cm. My shoulders, OTOH, definitely broadened in my early to mid 20s. I've also been so, so hungry these past few months, it's like I've hit a growth spurt. Say you were 210cm tall (7ft) at 65kg (~145lbs) [14. I have my growth spurt at ages 12-14 and grew slightly after till 16. I That was very common for me when I hit my biggest growth spurt. But then I stopped growing. I did this whole plump then stretch thing while I was still growing. 5 years ago however my doctor says my bones haven't fully developed because the growth plates look similar to a 14 year old. Being 6'1 I was taller than most until after 17 when several dudes who didn't even reach my neck got taller lol. I didn't really, but i did have a growth stall, from the time i was 3-5 i barely grew at all something like inch, it was this time that i was taken to the sick childrens hospital and became eligible for growth hormone therapy, i was told it would add perhaps 3" to my height with injections everyday, by this time though my testosterone levels had normalized and -Dad went from 5’5 to 5’9 in his 20s I’m turning 20 in a few weeks and for the past 4 months I have been having shin pain. Was 5'11 before and now pushing a weak 6'0. Want to grow taller but haven’t grown in 3 years. It was apparently really annoying because she kept having to buy clothing in her late teens/early 20s to keep up with it. Make sure someone can step in so you can get some time away, maybe give baby a bottle so you can take care of yourself for a bit. I was always the tallest or 2nd tallest in my grade. Basically if you eat a lot, drink a lot of water, get sleep, and exercise in the right way for growth, you will get taller. This was like 20 years ago at the most recent lol I always knew one was coming because I'd be hungry ALL THE TIME leading up to it. So a growth spurt over the course of a year is not just plausible, it's normal. I don't care how many people you hear saying "Yeah I grew from 5'7" to 6'2" in my 20's", it's bullshit. i noticed that between 20-21, my hips widened significantly—i have a relatively noticeable thigh gap now, where as i’ve Thought my growth plates were meant to have long fused by now considering I'm turning 29 in a few months but noticed I've grown about 3/4 of an inch over the last 1. This could be 18 this could be as late as 22. I slowly gained weight and muscle throughout my 8th grade year until I got to 150lbs. A Chinese friend started to grow in his late 17-19 and he is 5'9 now with very short parents. At first it seems like a really great thing but, if you are anything like me, you may become jaded by the jarring realizations of how shallow society is. Give it time, 16 is not even a quarter of your life lived yet, you got plenty of time before being fully grown Many of my taller friends 6 feet 5 inches or taller probably continued to grow into their early 20s. All his brothers who were in the USA were 5”5 and never grew any yes second puberty—i think it could be! i know it’s not scientifically backed up but i have gone through many distinct changes recently…. Specially where im from most of us only stop growing in our mid-early twenties. I was 117lbs my last year of highschool and within a year got to 160lbs. That's very abnormal though. I've never had a growth spurt before. I'm around 180 centimeters tall and I'm right now 18 years old. Some men can grow until mid to late 20s. Testosterone increases the level of human growth hormone and insulin growth factor, both of which increase bone growth and lead to increased height during puberty, but high testosterone accelerates bone maturation, which can limit adult height. I have grown 1. Also Things like posture do help make you look taller than you are. For example, my father grew up from 5'4" to 5'11 after 16. 25 inch over about 3 months, meaning that I am growing at a rate of ~5 inches a year, which is solidly a growth spurt. He went from skinny 5'8 or 5'9 to the tallest guy in the room with broad shoulders. I am currently about 6'5" tall. Its like your body starts preparing for emergency situations. There are very very rare cases of very late growth spurts, but they are so unfrequent I would not count on them. I'm 17 and I'm a late Bloomer. There are many times I've heard that people who get big growth spurts over a short time have terrible back problems later in life. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Even younger people at 15 are already taller than me but I am 5'8 which some people consider short. I was 6'9" when I graduated high school at age 18 and thought that was it. UPVOTES FOR. I just don't know what's caused this. A couple of years later, I tacked on another inch to get my final height. Men's growth plates in their arms and legs usually fuse sometime in their early 20s. Unless you count two inches a year for 6 years straight a “growth spurt”, I never had a “growth spurt. Some people with have a series of short growth spurts throughout their live into their early 20's and some will have only one growth spurt that can last between months and years. All they can do is guess. I didn't really check again for years, as I had no need to. Some people hit growth spurts at different times; I got around 5'8 in middle school and only grew three more inches since. Some people have 2 growth spurts one early and a second one later but that is rare. 25". They were already in their early to mid 20’s. Mum is 5'3, Dad is 5'6. im 16 nearly 17 170cm tall my voice deepened last year and i can grow minor facial (dirt mustache) which means that i have had a growth spurt and will stop soon according to articles online because having these features your puberty is ended even tho i started exactly 2. I'm 22 lol. i haven’t had a growth spurt, am i too old for one? Hello, im 16 turning 17 in a couple months and i noticed throughout middle school and highschool i haven’t grown much 6th grade 5’1 7th 5’3 8th 5’4 1/2 9th 5’4 1/2 10th 5’6 11th 5’6 If you're 20 years old, it's over. I was 5'4" and 20 years old and I'm 5'5" now. I’m 6’3” now. My parents were very young parents and they didn't take it really seriously. 5'2 from age 14 to 25, 5'4 later 20s, physical at 35 after physical therapy for a back injury had me at 5'4. Gained 5 inches in about 6 months. Went to the doctors a few times and they all told me I had osd (osgood schlatter). Grown 3. ALL OF Started going gym and eating properly then my growth rate slowly increased until about 18 to 20 when it slowed to 0. However, between 19-20 when I was in Afghanistan I went from 6’2” to 6’4”. So you're not alone. Havent had some growth since I was 13 but I'm expected to be around 6'2-3. I wish I had a late growth spurt. From 16-18 I went from like 5’5” to 5’10” and from 18-20 I went up to 6’0” and from 21-23 I went to 6’3” (w/ shoes). And I'm looking forward to I'm a little worried, but I know I can't be pregnant (my boyfriend and I have not had intercourse), I've had normal periods, I don't have any odd lumps, and I haven't gained a large amount of weight in the last 2 weeks. 5” filipino. It can happen, my dad was about my height (5'4") until he was 18-19 then hit a growth spurt and grew to 5'11". I found putting pressure on the affected spot helped ease the pain. I hit my final growth spurt at my senior year of high school. But lots of men are still getting taller when they are 20. 7” evening height. Recently, I've been getting serious aching pains in my legs, I've never had these before. The growth for me during 20-25 is not significant, but it was an extra 2. Going into 7th grade I was 5'2" 100 lbs by the end of the year I was 6 foot even but only weighed 130lbs so that wasn't my manly spurt. I went from 5’5 to 6’3 in the span of one school year. May 1, 2024 · This is not true. It was originally developed to help people who had suffered accidents and needed to have their legs reconstructed, now it's been turned into a miracle solution by hacks who want to make a quick buck out of people with body dysmorphia, but as if that wasn't enough we have convinced people with no such condition to think they have I was 5'8" at 9! I did have a late growth spurt but it wasn't much. 5 inches between 18-20. In my opinion, start doing some stretching everyday, do some sports, get enough nutrients, and sleep as much as you can. After your puberty growth spurt, you slow down for a couple of years, and then your bones lock. I grew about 1. 5 hours, and for about 20-30 minutes each time, usually closer to 20 minutes. I am 19 years old and 10 months ago when I was 18 my pediatrician measured me at 5’7 and now I am 5’9. I’m somewhat active, averaging about 3 times a week of exercise—some weeks it’s 5 days, others maybe none at all. 5cm (5’5 - 5’6. I personally had a late growth spurt so when i was 16-17 i was around 5’7, at the start of my twenties i was 6’2, and now at 24 i’m 6’6 Reply reply [deleted] So strange in the comments. I was 5'11 at age 18-20 and I figured that was the end of it. 5 years. It’s complicated, but it fits your observation. Dennis rodman sounds like most of these guys but had even more delayed growth since he was taller. I didn’t hit my growth spurt until well after high school. My lack of growth from 11-13 was the reason for my diagnosis. I hit puberty at 12 and then months later had a growth spurt so I was one of the tallest students in my class. Malnutrition will certainly have hindered growth if its been going on for a while. 75. Later on in life when I had gotten to around the age of 23 they went through a real growth spurt again and felt same way they had felt when they started to come in when I was younger: Itchy skin from being stretched, shooting growing pains and sensitive and painful to the touch constantly. I never had a growth spurt, I was just consistently the shortest guy in my classes and I steadily gained an inch here and there. Reply reply I didn’t have a “growth spurt”, but i didn’t start filling out until my 20’s. A subreddit for tall-related topics. I doubt it’ll be much, maybe like an inch. 3k maintenace calories. And although most males have grown to potential height by ~20 years, it's not definite. Someone gaining a foot in height at 25 sounds incredibly unrealistic but growth plates fusing aren't an exact date/time thing, though the timing is usually pretty tight. Then this year I’m up 0. Now I’m almost 22 and stand at 6’1. I would of course love to be taller but I'm not expecting much more. Yes actually. . I have a few suggestions and things that helped. My cousins have all told me that they would have random growth “spurts” when they were around 19 or mid 20s. Especially if you have a nerd neck, hunched shoulders, flat feet and or hip rotation Hi guys, this is going to be my first thread on reddit. 89 cm even my aunty is 1. 5 in senior year myself, wondering if there’s a pattern to getting a bit of a growth spurt again after 18. Hi this is for the guys. We're coming up on the 6 month growth spurt soon. I went into my freshman year at 5'11" and graduated high school at 6'5" I'm 6'5. Either way though, he's unlikely to grow tall enough to In the past year from 18 to mid 19, I grew around 3 cm from 177. But at 18, there’s probably still room to grow. 21 votes, 34 comments. I just wanna get an idea if its even possible or maybe common to grow taller or at least get a growth spurt in your hands and feet at least at early/mid 20’s by asking about others experiences, i was an early bloomer. Oh, I turned 16 like 3 weeks ago. 5" now and I'll be 21 in 2 weeks. Meanwhile my brother has a full beard and he is 6’1”. Just like I was a bit disappointed that I never got that period of time where the girls got their growth spurt first and would be taller than the boys. This is me later. That reminds me, I need to edit my flair again. I did end up having a late growth spurt and reached my full height of 5'3 which is still pretty average. The growing pains happened about 1/2 or 1/3 of every night, sometimes continuing into early morning when I awoke before I was ready to get up. My female cousin, uncle's daughter, grew up from 5'7" to 5'10" between 18-19. I was the tallest in my class and thought I was going to be very tall at least 6'5 or more. Am I getting a late growth spurt? How long will this last? I read that semi average tall people around my height have a growth spurt in adolescence and then grow normally until about 18-21~. If you hit it at 15, you can expect to be gone growing around 17-18. He has some pretty crazy stretch marks from it! I never hit that same growth spurt but my grandfather is the same height as me, so I decided to take after him and get jacked. I've seen growth spurts to late 20's but never seen or heard anyone in late 30's. My projected height was actually about 6 foot 7, so (based on my parents' late growth spurts) I'm expecting to have mine within the next few years. Late, started growing around 13-14, had a long stint of growth that ended at 20 at 6’1, when I entered 9th grade at 14 I was only 5’6, 120. So maybe shouldve had a growth spurt at 14 but God had other plans lol. I feel like I missed out on a growth spurt. It is possible, but I’d get checked out by a doctor just to be sure there’s not some abnormal hormone thing going on. I'll give you the benefit of doubt here. I’m in my 20s and feel like I’ve had 3 puberties lol. Most women are done growing by 14. 65y of age I am a solid 6'1. All kinds of pains especially in my legs, the doctor gave me prescription pain killers because I wasn’t able to sleep or some days even get up and walk around Not quite my 20s, but I was 5'3" from 8th grade all the way up until freshman year of college (ages 18-19). Gradually grew and stopped growing after 14. 5 inches. 3M subscribers in the NoStupidQuestions community. Dec 28, 2013 · I was always a big, tall kid and really did not have (so far as I can recall) a big “growth spurt” in my mid teen years. I wouldn't worry about your height too much--many of us are smaller and it's not something we have to think about a great deal. I always wonder if I would have been a bit taller if I would have been able to get enough food and not walk around with tons of gear on all the time during that final growth spurt. just wanted to see if anyone was just like me. For some people there's a growth spurt between 18 and 20, someone in my family got this. Very sensitive on my right knee. My last growth that I wouldn't count as major, was last month, at age 21, where I grew another 2 cm. Sep 11, 2024 · I know you're mostly concerned with height, specifically, which does conclude when growth plates have closed, but there are other factors to consider, mainly muscle growth. ” I was 5’8” in 6th grade and 6’8” at the tail end of my senior year. … 45 votes, 309 comments. It majorly depends on when you hit puberty. I was already 5'9 at 12 in the 7th grade. Reply reply I didn’t go to college till my mid 20s. For me, the biggest benefit of weightlifting (NOT body weight but heavy weights) is that it’s helped me with my body image by making me focus on how strong I am rather than how I look. One grew like 6" after college grad. 75 and will probably end up at 6’0. It's possible, I grew 3 inches around 22 or 23. People grow different the only way to tell is to look at your parents and their close relatives. Has anyone else had this happen? Sep 11, 2024 · Hey everyone, I’m a 20-year-old (almost 21) guy, standing at 5’7" (1. I definitely thought I was done growing at 19 or so like everybody else, but I had a sudden growth spurt. 18 which means that it’s bullshit that you stop growing at 15,16, 18 and all these ages that society puts on us, I believe the only age you can truly stop growing at is after you are 26-30 years of age because that’s when your puberty finishes, just think about it as we get in our 20 Not sure why you're getting downvoted. And then the people who are really tall usually didn't have their growth spurt until about 18-21 and grew huge fast. Just last week I gained another 1cm for a total of 5cm now since being told by a professional my bones were fused. And weightlifting can help grow glutes but hips not so much. Just curious if there is anyone having a uncommon growth after… My dad grew 2 inches between 20 and 23, ive grown 8 inches in my first growth spurt and im still in for my second. Here's what you gotta do. It varies wildly from person to person. 5 Who knows maybe I’m a rare one and keep growing as I age. 5 to 180. My weight has stayed fairly steady (in fact, I lost weight between 24 and 26), and my birth control has been the same low dose since I was 17. I grew maybe half an inch to an inch at most after graduating high school, ended up 5'7". The 3 month one lasted exactly 9 days. HGH has some effect but again, growth plates are what matter mostly and a whole foot, very unlikely for someone who hasn't experienced rare genetic conditions. My uncle who is in his early 20s grew late as well and he is somewhere around 5'9 as well with short parents. Reply reply Unlikely_nay1125 I wouldn't say it's abnormal but it's definitely not common for people to grow that much into their early 20s. They don’t but those growth plates can still be open in your early 20s although it’s not common. In middle school I went from 5’0 to 5’6 from 6-7th grade and in high school I went from 5-8 to 6’0. Started being affected when I had a growth spurt from 8th grade into my freshman year of HS. (not trying to take any attention) all im tryin to say is that late growth happens. i'm in my 20s and still haven't stopped growing. yekhi baad mcheh lil fac baad l 20 jetou growth spurt during 20s 7atta lin t5arej walla 172/173. It was more just a linear increase in height over time with my height topping out at just under 6’3" at age 18-19ish. Malnutrition is a classic example of a cause for slowed/no growth periods and then a ‘catch-up’ growth spurt when nutrition is restored. Our first few spurts only lasted a few days. Doctors don't know everything. Tons of nba players like Kevin durant and Giannis Antetokoumpo also seemed to have never really stopped growing during their careers and i can't really find a definite explanation for this, since we're allegedly supposed I was diagnosed at 13, so the timing was perfect. Mom’s 4’10” and dad’s 5’8”. I've had one growth spurt so far. A few inches over a month or two, I think. I must have grown more into my early 20s without realizing it By the time he was about 20 he was 6 foot 3. I'm in my early 20s and I have just realized I grew over an inch in height! I was firmly 5' 6" before, and no matter how I measure it, I'm definitely a little past 5' 7" now. (Wildly abnormal just like my height I know) But I know plenty people shorter than myself that had growth spurts so bad they have stretch marks on their back. I'm 5'7 , never had one. I do agree that height should not matter. I went through the same thing as soon as I hit 20 so I definitely relate😅 Its probably totally normal its like second puberty so you might notice more weight gain. I stopped sometime after 20. Seems you have already identified a whole bunch of issues so you should be fixing those regardless of growth goal. Turns out I'm 6'1. my body today compared to even my 20 year old body is very very different. I’m just wondering if I’m going to get any taller considering I haven’t seen much growth since last year, then again I know growth isn’t completely linear. Keep in mind from a biological standpoint men hit puberty later and have a longer growth period. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever… It's common for men to continue to grow into mid 20's. Started working in construction with his older brothers. Though they are not the primary hormone to make you grow. 3 inches and onward sounds like a late-growth spurt to me dude! Typically, most growth spurts range from 4-6 inches in longitudinal bone growth before reaching what's known as peak height velocity. But again, the human maturing process is just a randomized mess. More if it had been longer since the last one and with some slower growth in the intervening time. If you want to ask for advice about something on an external website, you can link it in a text post, but you must explain what it is you want to know. And even more rarely, we see those with growth stunting conditions hit a violent spurt of up to 6 inches in their early to mid 20's. Very few grow beyond that. I didn't have some giant growth spurt like 6 inches. 5, (younger brother just had a spurt and is 5'8), most other male family members are between 5'7-5'9. I was always shorter and smaller than everyone in high school. Most males continue to grow into their late teens and early 20s. Just as most others said, you won't know yet. I hit my first major growth spurt at 14-15 when I shot up from 5’3 to 5’7 and been growing steadily about 2 inches per year until 17. 8) cm I am now 187. Intensive physical training can also lead to some aspects of puberty being delayed, especially in the instance of very low Scottie Pippen had a 7 inch growth spurt in college and Dennis rodman also had a ridiculous growth spurt after high school. Until I needed a medical clearance for a job and the doctor measured me as opposed to taking my word for it. 25. People who grow further into their mid 20s is uncommon, but not unheard of. Ask away! I grew two inches in my mid-late 20s. 80% of growth hormone is released in your sleep. I also thought I was gonna be even taller but apperantely I was always one of the shortest in high school in my class. I don't have year to year data but I am now 6'3" (male). I doubt it has anything to do with exercise. But I'm also 5'10. 174K subscribers in the tall community. Apparently most of the growth happens within your spine during this stage. 97 cm which was also very Tall for Somalia However, starting yesterday she’s been eating so much more that as she hit a little over 24 ounces. From what I'm reading down below, what I had may not have been growing pains, but during puberty growth spurts I'd experience sharp stabbing pains, usually about 10 seconds to a minute, in my bones - most frequently my shins, fingers and forearms. Most people (there are exceptions) do not grow past 21, but many grow past 18 - this is easily verifiable on medical sites. My doctor said my growth chart is basically about to level out. Here’s what I do know about his routine between those ages. But having growth spurts when you are 23+ feels very unlikely and not so believable to me personally. Signs of a growth spurt? I’m the shortest of my friend group and is 16 years old 5’2. Thanks again. Growth from after the age of 20 is very uncommon. I would in a heart beat. I had a friend I towered over freshman year and he swears he's taller than me now but he's close like 6ft. Same here man, I was like taller than most of my friends, but now they all hitting growth spurts and they're as tall as me or even taller and here I am gaining only 2 inches a year 😂😂 but I'm still thankful that my growth hasn't stopped When peoples growth age ends varies. HI there guys I have suddenly grown Taller at age 25 and I am shocked right now between January and April I have grown (0. I had a late puberty, so that may have played a part. I grew 5 inches from 13 and 15. Now 22 with my growth plates closed so that's my final height. So if you hit puberty at around 13 let's say, you can expect to be down growing at around 15-16. I went through such a growth spurt when I was in my early-mid teens that I got stretch marks on my back. I’m assuming it’s a growth spurt because she was up every two hours last night drinking 3 ounces at a time which is very unlike her. Some continue growing into their 20s. My growth was definitely not linear and more in spurts. Been a size 1… Growth spurts are a part of normal development, and it's completely typical for adolescents to grow 3-4 inches in a year during a growth spurt. Hoping I can at least get another inch in to cement it. Has anyone had growth spurt after 20 i just turned 20 recently i am 5 8 and my growth spurt ended up pretty quickly at around 15 years old As a general norm, you don't grow much past your very early 20's, and you can grow (tops) a tiny bit, but don't expect growth spurts or to grow an inch or more, especially if you haven't grown for some time now. Hypothetically if your growth plates haven’t closed yet, you could take 200 mg DIM (supplement you can find at vitamin shop or online), which would keep you estrogen lower possibly allowing for more time for growth. You're the first and I find that very intriguing. It's called a "Leg-lengthening" or "height increasing" surgery. I've had at least two rather significant breast growth spurts in my mid-20s (once at 24 and once at 26). It’s definitely a possibility. What I've noticed is that Asians have a later growth spurt. Thanks for the reply Everyone. I was about 5'3 at 14, and just kinda grew progressively until now. Reply reply I learned very recently from a decorated body builder coach how to stimulate growth hormone. My boobs started to come in around standard age, they grew a little then stopped around a B. At 16 you’re probably mostly done with regards to your height, but you might have an inch or two to go still. Like, almost unheard of. Has anyone had a significant growth spurt in their late teens/ early twenties? I’m ( 19 M) 5’8 and I’m wondering if there is…. Every person's growth (in height) timeline is unique. Suspected culprit was a lot of stretching that did some correction to both my scoliosis and spinal compression. I (F) had a growth spurt in my 30’s - I had a pituitary adenoma and needed surgery. My biggest growth spurt was freshman year of high school. 4y of age, my growth started picking up and now at 15. Pretty muscular and healthy and I still have years to grow so I want to know what are the signs that I’m going through a growth spurt or if its I had these sensations recur during age 21, when I had a small growth spurt where I went from the 5’7. 5. Now all of a sudden, he’s eating for 40-45 minutes each time, and sometimes still acting hungry after that. After 16 it slows down for most people, but there's no magic cutoff at 18. Then outta nowhere had a growth spurt and was suddenly 5”11 between early to mid 20’s. I grew until about 20. 25 in 9 days at 22 years old. When I had my first growth spurt, I barely had any facial hair and I still can’t grow a beard. By the time I finished high school i think i may have been around 5’7, then my freshman year of college I think i hit around 5’10, then a couple years later I think i got to my current height. AskWomen: A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. well i dont know if that even counts when im 5’6 at 155 to 160 pounds. odottig gtajbn otkbk wtrua opgud socly lqf xsaz ulmem bpctb