Push pull legs reddit Or check it out in the app stores Push, pull, legs split review . So i do a 2:1:2 with one dedicated rest days and one day where I fuck around and have fun in a fitness oriented fashion. You ideally want to train each muscle group at least 2 times per week. Tricep extension palm up 5x12. , OHP, Arnold press, lateral and from raises) Pull: Rear delts (face pulls, reverse flies) I do my abs on push days (I run a six day split, so twice a week). 2 warmup sets, 2 x 8-12 working sets. 2 x 8-12 working sets. Also doing only 1 Push and Pull exercise will most likely neglect Biceps and Triceps so you should prolly add some volume to it. I’ve been considering doing this workout split for some months now and I’ve been attempting to gather information to see if I’d be any good. You can do higher weights one day and lower weights as your second day. Not exactly push/pull/legs, but has been working well for me. Push pull legs gives you more scope for isolated movements so would suit hypertrophy. I like to go heavy on the first 3 days and then switch to higher reps lower weight the 2nd set of 3 days. Incline dumbbell bench press 5x8. Also, since deadlifts work your legs and your back, you may want to put your rest day between pull and legs (i. I have a few exercises on my push days for legs. On push and pull day you will train and superset the biceps and the triceps to get additional volume for the arms. Heavy being 6-8 reps and hypertrophy being 8-12. Currently I do crunches on push, situps on legs, and oblique twists on pull, so I'm working out a different aspect of my core each day, while still hitting the abs primarily. “coolcaida PPL”: (I think most people do Push then Pull - I do Pull first because I do deadlifts on Pull day and like to leave a day between deadlifts and legs. The format will be PLP-A MTW, then PLP-B TFS. Lower - heavy set of squat/deadlift/sumo, leg press, RDL, reverse back extension, abs work, leg curl, leg extension I’ll throw 5 sets of pull-ups and band face pull on days I feel strong and on days I feel weak, just band face pull, some curls and some tricep extension The other upper body day, I’ll start with pull workouts. A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an emphasis on barbell & dumbbell lifting, as well as calisthenics (bodyweight movements). i find this a lot better, mainly because I find shoulders and chest is worked more effectively. The first change is form pull, push legs to legs push pull. 2 days). Hi RPStrength Reddit! I have been lifting for around 2-3 years now and want to try out a new workout routine as my old one has gotten stale. Be sure to make a copy of the spreadsheet. Example day: A1 - Barbell Split Squat A2 - Dumbell Bench Press Hello all, I've designed a 4-day split workout schedule that spans over a week, combining elements of push, pull, and legs, with an additional day dedicated to smaller muscle groups that could benefit from twice-weekly attention. Pushups, pushups, other pushups, KB cleans and presses Back day: cleans, snatches, mace work (can be replaced by kb halos), rubber band rotational stuff, I do occasional pull exercises worh resistance band as part of back day. I hope this is the case, anyway! Push/pull routines are pretty popular. Lateral raises 5x12. If you feel good, do it for longer and see if you’re happy with the level of improvement. But pretty soon I'm going to bump it up to 5x per week (each muscle group every 4. I like the bench and ohp in different reps for push days, but (maybe its just because I only DL like 170) for DLs I get one set and done. What do you guys think about a 4 day push, pull, full body split? I currently do such a program inspired by Jeff nippard and really enjoy it much more than upper/lower and feel like I am progressing faster. I do legs/push/pull in that order, mostly because legs are my heaviest and hardest and I like to get them out of the way, the other two because of habit. For pull day, just replace the barbell rows and curls with dumbbells, and maybe replace face pulls with dumbbell rear delt raises if they give you trouble. If you didnt take a day off after legs and either do a push or pull day you will still be recruiting leg and stability muscles in your limbo pelvic hip area. I’ve never kept strictly to these compound movements and always tried to work in other movements too usually following push/pull/legs. If you only go 3 times a week and you happen to miss a workout it throws the whole schedule off. I was thinking about day 4 being 3 abs exercises and then an hour of cardio? Would this be counterproductive? My goals are to loose belly, leg and abdominal fat whilst building muscle all over the body. Squats Incline bench Lateral raises Triceps Calves PULL B. What's the difference between doing push pull and legs on different days as opposed to doing back/bis chest/tris etc on different days Archived post. Largest range of FREE workout routines available! Muscle building, fat loss, strength, abs, women's fitness, yoga and more. This way I’m still hitting each muscle two times a week while still giving them enough rest to recover. For triceps you could add an elbow extension excersice. PHUL all they way. Any exercise that opens the elbow (shoulder press, bench press, triceps) is a push move. Personal changes. Legs I do Pistol squats, shrimp squats, single leg dealifts, step ups and single leg calf raises. Swings, kbdl, goblets, rack squats, rack lunges, sumos and carries Push day. Except for the pull ups, since I don't have a pull up bar idk how many I can really do, but since pull ups are generally harder anyhow, you can leave those last and just do as many as you can at the end of each round. and in terms of recovery i believe it will be fine cuz im used to PPL/ 6x Upper/Lower My question is if 5x Push/Pull is legit or u got maybe a better idea for a 5x a week. Isratels stuff on Renaissance periodization. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. Not technically push/pull/legs, but I do light push/light pull/heavy push/heavy pull. It's a 6 day program that can be tracked up to 12 weeks at a time using the spreadsheet below. There are other versions of Push/pull than Push being Chest, shoulder and triceps, and pull being Back, Biceps. Deadlifts are probably enough to keep them growing in proportion, especially if you use double-overhand grip. I have been lifting for about 6 months and made great progress. I've been doing a PPL split for a few months now and I love it. I'd put push/pull as the primary choice for a split. Compared to push/pull/legs, you only need 4 days a week instead of 6. It's usually xLPushLPullxHPushHPullx. you can also add an extra day if you feel like it and split the hypertrophy days into 3 days instead of two. I swapped these out every other push day with Arnold Presses. day 1: Upper, day 2: Lower, day 3: Push, day 4: Pull, day 5: Lower, day 6: Bodyweight hiit and stretching. My light days are 3 x 15 and my heavy days are 3 x 10 Since I can go every day besides weekends, I'm thinking of doing a Push/pull/leg split. assuming you work out 5 to 6 days a week while doing the push pull leg program Push. The broader definition of push/pull allows for overlapping exercises - which isn't stupid with 3 workouts pr week. Chest fly 5x10. Reply reply Let's say I want to go to the gym ~4x per week. I do alot of volume and follow my lifts with a bit of cardio on a bike. I do Pull-Push-Legs-Pull-Push-Legs-Rest with deadlift on the first pull so that I have a day off between squat and deadlift. Assuming you only work every muscle group once per week on your 5 day split, you will make less gains on that program than doing push pull legs. Mon: push Tue: pull Wed: legs Thu: push Fri: pull Sat: legs However, If your full day is the immediately after your legs day without sufficient recovery, you may underperform with your legs on your full body day. Every 2-3 days you're exposing all of your main muscle groups to a training stimulus again. t. It's based on the classic PPL (push, pull, legs) format, though honestly I'll probably run it as PLP because I'm not trying to ruin a Saturday with legs. Legs Push Pull Rest Legs Chest/back Arms Rest This hits my arms a bit extra and I’ve seen some big gains since switching from a generic PPL. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! Day 3: Legs A - Quad Intensive 1- I always advise to start leg day with stretches. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I do stretch every day but the last day i do like 45 minutes of stretching and pre habbing stuff. Created by redditor Metallicapda, Reddit PPL gained fame as an effective powerbuilding program, with proven results by thousands of Redditors and lifters across the internet. Dumbell shoulder press 4x12. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. Reddit PPL is designed for novice and early intermediate lifters who want a 6-day per week Push Pull Legs split to pack on significant strength and muscle. I've been doing full body routines (push+pull, abs+legs, push+pull) for 3x a week about. But I usually see it's only recommend for advanced training. However, most advanced lifters are going to need more than three training days to keep the gains coming. 3 push sessions and 3 pull sessions. Push works chest and triceps and shoulders Pull works back and biceps Legs works legs (lol) Each muscle group is therefore being stimulated twice a week. I could do an upper/lower split, or I could do a push/pull/legs/push, repeat. Personally I think this depends on your goals abit too. My first routine was a full body split, then I switched to PPL. Another consideration is that a lot of exercises work the same muscles so doing endless variations is redundant. Leg set is fine. The links to the videos can be found at the end of the post. I do a legs/push/pull two times a week. 2-3 compounds depending on your recovery ability plus 2 isolations is the way to go from the routines posted here: for push: flat/decline + incline pushing, lateral delts + triceps + shoulder compound if recovery is good Pull: deadlift, pulldown/pullup, row, facepulls, biceps Legs: squats/front squats, lunges/leg press, rdls/leg curls depending I've created a plan that involves push on day one, pull day 2, legs day 3 and I have a fourth day where I can work out. Would it make sense to do both but not overclmplicate it with different rep ranges or? Just feels like more push than pull. Push 1, pull 1, legs 1. LEGS. Pull-Push-Legs-Pull-Push-Legs-Rest , Repeat. Day A: Vertical Pull, Horizontal Push, Knee Flexion, Horizontal Pull, Shoulder Isolation, Arm Isolation, Abs Day B: Hip Hinge, Vertical Pull, Vertical/Horizontal Push, Trap Isolation, Shoulder Isolation, Arm Isolation, Calf Day C - same pattern as Day A but if you wish so, you can do variations of said movements. (I usually do a 20 warmup and stretching, then 5 sets of push/pull, then 4 sets of abs and legs) Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. For push day, I would imagine you can do all those exercises with your good side with machines/dumbbells. Rest. I took out the second leg day and added a dedicated shoulder day since legs are my strength and shoulders are my weakness. Push pull legs seems like a fun split, especially since you get at least 72 hour rest before hitting the muscle again, however throughout the week you hit upper body four times and lower only two. Or check it out in the app stores Push pull legs split for planet fitness? Question title, thanks I wouldn't recommend push/pull/legs as a 3 days per week routine. IMO the whole “push pull” day thing is dumb. With the PPL I get way more push volume. Chest/tri - •5x5 flat bench •3x8-12 weighted tricep dips •3x8 incline bench •3x12 tricep rope pull downs • 3x8 dumbbell chest pullovers • 3x8 scull crushers • 3x12 cable crossover flys Back and biceps - • bent over rows 5x5 • weighted chin-ups 3x8 upper/lower basically comes down to doing a push/pull style split, anyway. But 60% of the time, I don't get to do my last push+pull exercise, because I've already spent an hour and a half, and it's time to go home. com program. Squat 5/3/1 Lunges (any variant) 5 x 10-15 GHR or Leg Curls 5 x 10-15 A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. Heavy leg day. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! I've done this routine except i did push/legs/pull. Then, if you end up with an exercise combo like chest-supported dumbbell rows and incline press you can actually get some antagonist pairing to save on rest time. It would look like this Week 1: PPLP Week 2: PLPP Week 3: LPPL Week 4: PPLP Or You can try the nSuns 4 day routine with accessories or the classic 5/3/1 as suggested in other comments. legs/push/pull/rest instead of push/pull/legs/rest). But a full body program will have a push, a pull, and a leg movement on each day. As you said, no shoulder exercises. For Push I work on handstand push ups, dips and ring push ups. That's awful advice, that's not the way to go. Apr 13, 2019 · Users share their experiences and opinions on the Push/Pull/Legs split, a training routine that involves working overlapping body parts each day. I picked it because I like full body, want to work out almost every day during the week with weekends off, and like squatting or deadlifting every day. Because I was afraid that I'd skip the Hypertroohy Leg day, I cut a small amount of leg volume and added 3 shoulder exercises in the 4th day. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Looks sensible enough to try. If you miss a day turn your next session into a hybrid. An example: PUSH A. I chose push as I like to do planks and such which help burn out my shoulders / chest. Then I would take a rest day and hit the Arnold split and focus on hypertrophy. Upper lower has 4 days a week and push pull legs has 6. Idk why other comments are telling u to do biceps before back etc. Review Going into the new year I Posterior days would include any back, bicep, glute and hamstring movements, anterior would include core, chest, shoulders, tris and quads. What I really like is that each set reps range from 8-12. Push pull legs is ideally done with a 5-6 workouts per week. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Squat and or deadlift every day for warm up, and then do back Monday, chest Tuesday, legs Wednesday, arms Thursday, shoulders friday, 1/2 mile - 1 mile of lunges Saturday. Pull 2 BB row, Chin up, Bicep curl seated, Upright row, Leg curl, Abs mix. Whereas if it’s a full body workout you’re more likely to program compound movements to target strength and functionality. So I am attached to submarine and for stowage reasons we only have enough room for dumbbells and the dumbbells only go to 100 pounds. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Does it have to be push-pull-legs in that order? Could it be legs push pull, or push legs pull? So long as I keep a consistent pattern, does it make… Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. See full list on liftvault. Reply reply More replies I keep most days the same but I have modified the leg day to include cable hip induction and Bulgarian single leg lunge. ) on my first push day and pressing/shoulder movements (OHP, arnold press, raises) on my second push day. Monday - DL + Back and Bi accessories Tuesday - Bench + Shoulders and Tri accessories Wednesday - Squats + legs accessories Thursday - BB Rows + Back and Bi Accessories Friday - Bench + Shoulders and Tri accessories Saturday - Squats + Leg accessories Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. c depending on your goals. The most common splits are 1) fully body 3x a week 2)upper-lower split 4x a week 3) PPL (push, pull, legs) 6x a week 4) bro split or Arnold Split 6x a week. Idk if Jeff will do the same thing, a while ago his team seemed to be going after the spread of his documents, but migth be possible they're trying another tactic by now. What I also like is how I am flexible at the end of the week and can change it to a 5day split. As far as squats i just grab the 100 pound dumbbell and do goblet squats. Aug 4, 2011 · The main difference, however, is that Version 2 used a 5-day cycle (push/pull/off/legs/off and then repeat) which meant there’d be 4 or 5 workouts per week, whereas this version uses a 4-day cycle (push/pull/legs/off and then repeat) which means there are 5 or 6 workouts per week. SLDLs Pulldowns Bench dumbbell rows Rear delts Biceps Push: Front Delts and side delts (e. Dips by itself Is more chest focused, it ok to include it. One of the primary reasons for the rest day in PPL is just to keep to a 7 day rotation to keep weekly schedules consistent, important for many people. Day 4: Rest Day 5: Push B - Shoulders + Sternocostal Head Intensive Hello all, I've designed a 4-day split workout schedule that spans over a week, combining elements of push, pull, and legs, with an additional day dedicated to smaller muscle groups that could benefit from twice-weekly attention. Tricep extension palm down 5x12. Traps, however, are hard to fit in. For rows its once a week. Back would suffer a lot. It's $40 but if you do this quiz on his website, it'll give you a code for 30% off. I was doing nSuns 5/3/1, but the workouts can be pretty lengthy especially if you are doing cardio. Been meaning to write a post on it eventually. Discover incredible workouts & programs for every situation. I focus on chest movements (benching, dips, flys, etc. Primeiramente eu treinei esses 6 meses tudo errado kkkkk nem sei como ganhei resultado, mas aos poucos vamos aprendendo, estou querendo começar o treino push/pull/legs, meu foco é melhorar o peitoral e tríceps, o que acham dessa sequência ? consigo ir pra academia de segunda a sábado, provavelmente descansaria toda quarta-feira por causa da rotina, meu treino de pernas é todo errado e Personally, I enjoy a pull/push split, but feel that any split that allows antagonist exercise sequencing (e. e. As for legs; deadlift, squat, leg press. For legs I alternate between deadlifts and squats because they hit pretty much everything with emphasis on thighs and quads, respectively. Same thing with the pull days. works fine for me. On pull days, I incorporated single and double arm bent-over rows, weighted shoulder shrugs, and weighted side bends (45lbs plate). assuming you're maintaining any level of balance, you're likely doing at least 2 pushes and two pulls on your upper day, with the next day being a leg day focused on a lot of pulling activity (deads, hamstring work, posterior chain), and the second lower day being Has anyone ever done a program where you do a push, a pull, and a leg/lower exercise each workout 5-7 days a week? I like full body but a lot of the programs have a ton of exercises per workout. upper/lower) allows slightly higher-quality work. So you train, take a day to recover, and train again. Repeat. Always climb first because it's the priority. DAY 3 Legs/core Squats 4x8-12 Romanian deadlift 3x8-12 Leg extension 3x8-12 Leg curls 3x8-12 Standing calf raises 4x6-12 / Seated calf raises 3x15-20 Hanging leg raises 3x8-12 ABCxABC Optionally incline chest flys can be added to day 1 & hammer curls to day 2 if you can handle it. Pull is BB Bent over rows followed by a ton of accessories and both vertical and horizontal rows in a ton of different variations. A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. 2x5, 1x5+ squat 3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift 3x8-12 leg press 3x8-12 leg curls 5x8-12 calf raises Upper Hypertrophy: Incline Barbell Bench Press 3-4 8-12 Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye 3-4 8-12 Seated Cable Row 3-4 8-12 One Arm Dumbbell Row 3-4 8-12 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3-4 8-12 Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl 3-4 8-12 Push day : Pike push-ups Push-ups variation Pseudo planche push-ups Pull day : Floor pulls Inverted rows on a table ledge Climbing Using a rope or a nylon band passed between a door and the frame Legs : Squats Jump squats Lunges Bulgarian split squats Recently i posted a an upper/lower 6x per week routine. It is also an 8 day cycle as I value the rest days heavily. Check out Dr. It's a 6x Push, Pull, Legs done 1,2,3,1,2,3,rest. some days I'll do a mock strongman competition, sometimes ill do a hero workout, or pull a page from my MTI training program and do a mini event. We just do push, pull, legs, push, pull, leg, rest. That particular program no, but I have gone through Jeff's powerbuilding programs (phases 1-3) and those were some of the most rigorous workouts you can do, especially if you are not living in the gym, but the results were amazing. I would change diamond push ups to regular push ups, adding decline push ups is a must in order to get chest hypertrophy. (I'm not talking about a p/p/l/p/p/l in one week) Which would be better for overall physique and muscle mass? I'm an intermediate. You can find some online, everyone here will tell you to just read the wiki, but if you enjoy coming up with your own then definitely read some other programmes and take the fundamental ideas with you for your own. For awhile I did what I called PP3 so 3 push pull workouts a week doing quads and calves on push day and hamstrings n glutes on pull days. Bench Press 5/3/1 Military Press 5 x 10-15 (rotates every week with above; next week, its military done 5/3/1 and bench 5x10) Tricep Extensions 5 x 10-15 Pull. Is there any downside or benefits to doing it as a "beginner", being I am decently fit and strong? Curious how it compares to others so feel free to share your push/pull/leg routine. That being said if you can consistently hit the gym 3 days a week it can absolutely build muscle. I made some few personal adjustments in order to make it work better in my gym. First week Push Pull Legs Push Pull Second week Legs Push Pull Legs Push Third Pull Legs Push Pull Legs This may or may not work for you. Dec 20, 2023 · The PPLUL workout split is a 5 day routine that divides exercises into five categories: push (chest, shoulders and triceps); pull (back, biceps and rear delts); legs (quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves); upper body (chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps); and lower body (quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves). 3-5 sets per exercise (aim for 15-20 total sets per workout). You are supposed to run Push Pull Legs 6 days a week. Muscles repair and soreness/ damage can last for 24-72 hours. For leg day, you should be able to do everything except barbell squats. The only drawback in my opinion for this is less back, so I fix this by doing an extra back exercise on shoulders+arms day at the end. My preference is upper A, lower A, upper B, lower B on a four day per week split. Workouts shouldn't take more then 30 min and the tonal modes like eccentric or smart flex are so cool. I have no issues with the Push and the pull days but for the leg day I find the the weights to cumbersome for dead lifts. Just do whatever you enjoy more. The only way to know for sure is to do it for a reasonable length of time (I’d do 4-6 weeks) and see how you feel. Rest day. Deadlift (or Rack Deadlift) 5/3/1 Bent Rows/Kroc Rows 5 x 10-15 BB Curls 5 x 10-15 Legs. Then it’s the only effective method to hit everything twice a week plus your arms 2 times a week as well. 2- Quad Curls. You have a great variety of exercises throughout the week and still focus on the most important lifts. (I'm trying to do as many compound exercises as there are available and I perform, that doesn't include dips/pull ups unfortunately, been training for over month and do at least 7,5-9h of exercise per week, my exercises are mostly taken from youtube PUSH PULL LEG splits, but I mix them up a little to include as many compound as possible for now Just started a new program, had been doing a 4 day Chest/Back/Shouldera/Legs routine but changed to a modified PHAT to increase frequency. Deadlifts, rows, shrugs, curls, and pullups all work your forearms. Pull 1 Pull up, 1 arm DB row, Hammer curl, DB rear fly, SL Deadlift, Abs mix. Pull: pullups, rows, band pull aparts Legs: squats or Hindu squats, hip bridges, lunges. My trainer has me doing Push - Light, Pull - Light, Push - Heavy, Pull Heavy. Push ups, Sit up Pull Ups, Squats, 25 reps each in this order for 100. Push/Pull/Leg Split . I've been doing a slightly modified push pull legs schedule for that last two years at least where I split the push workout into two, shoulder… Yeah heard this from Gregg about one of his cookbooks (he would spread fake ones with ingredients missing of incorrect measures for them). For example you can go heavy day 1 in Pull and Legs day 2 in Push and Core e. Any exercise that closes the elbow (rows, face pulls, curls) is a pull move. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! I switch it up so I'll do Legs (heavy), push (hyper), pull (heavy), rest, legs (hyper), push (heavy) , pull (hyper), rest. Here's my current schedule: Monday: Pull Tuesday: Push Wednesday: Legs Thursday: Pull Friday: Push Saturday: Legs Push 1 chest with shoulder pumps Push 2 shoulders with chest pump Pull 1 thickness Pull 2 width Legs 1 squats Legs 2 leg press with triceps and biceps sprinkled in. You could do push pull legs rest and do light cardio daily. Edit: I just had another idea, since you do push/legs/pull rest, maybe you could do your first 3 days as per normal and then when you rotate back to push after your rest day, instead make it an isolation day for tricep/front delt and bicep/rear delt on pull day. At the pull day you could do pull ups and assisted ring chin ups and ring rows as you already do 24K subscribers in the FitnesProgramsSharing community. Push pull legs upper lower it all works. 2 warmup sets, 2 x 5-8 working sets 4- Lunges. We've been following it for the past 3 months and other than a little lower back soreness in the beginning I haven't had any problems with it. Push: Dips, pushups, headstand pushups. Aside from that, I do PPL, and I just like having a rest day between legs and deadlift. You can try doing Push Pull Legs Push for the first week and then start off the next week with Pull Legs Push Pull (and repeat). I want to now put extra emphasis on my legs and want to do Legs after push and also after pull. Pros: extra rest for each muscle group once every 3 weeks, easily adaptable to any schedule, if you cant work out on a day it doesn't throw you off as much, if you want to do an extra workout you can or do I’ve seen people say that full body workouts (bench, bent over rows, military press, squat, deadlift) 3x a week is a super effective approach to bulking. May 6, 2024 · This push/pull/legs routine is a simple, yet effective workout split that hits the whole body in just 3 days a week, and helps you increase strength and build muscle. That said, OP's program is definitely not good. Most people like to do PPL, rest, then PPL, but I want at least one weekend day with no workout. Push 2, pull 2, legs 2. A1: Lower body push A2: Upper body push B1: Lower body pull (aka posterior chain) B2: Upper body pull (do mostly horizontal since climbing is plenty of vertical pulling. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. ) I like this split because I feel like it gives me more versatility - for example, if I'm busy one week and only get to work out 3 times, I still hit every muscle group (the UL part is basically just an A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. My [please read] from a scientific point , push pull leg is better than the 5 day split. For legs, I added dumbbell lunges and split squats that would take the place of the leg press on alternating leg days. Push = bench 5x5, 1 shoulder exercise 3x8, 1 tri exercise 3x8, 1 random chest exercise 3x8 Pull = Deadlifts 5x5, 3 random back exercises 3x8 Legs = Squats 5x5, 3 random legs exercises 3x8 Works well for me and keeps things fresh. I actually do pull-push-legs, instead of push-pull-legs, just so that I never do legs and deadlifts back to Pull, Push, Legs, rest, Upper, Lower, rest. That being said, push pull legs makes most sense for intermediate and up because a beginner will get plenty out of full body or upper lower. Deadlift on pull day, stiff legged deadlifts on leg day, works just fine, although I only do one set of regular deadlifts with 4-7 reps. Any advice or programs similar to this is appreciated. Also, compared to an upper/lower split, it's more manageable to get more work for the upper body in particular. For Pull I do Pull ups, work towards front lever rows and do some skin the cats at the end. 3- Squats (Quad Focused). Doing Upper power, lower power, chest/tris, shoulders, back/bis. Legs A Squats 3x4-8 Romanian Deadlift 3x6-10 Leg Extensions 3x8-12 Lying Leg Curls 3x8-12 Standing Calf Raises 3x4-8 Seated Calf Raises 3x12-15 Ab work Push B Incline Barbell Press 3x4-8 Flat DB Press 3x6-10 Incline Cable Flyes 3x8-12 DB Lateral Raises 3x6-10 Machine Laterals 3x8-12 Dips 3x6-10 French Press 3x8-12 Forearm work Pull B Pull-ups 3x4-8 Mon- push Tue-pull Wed- legs Thurs- off Fri- push Sat- pull Sun- legs Mon- off Tue- push So it’s easy to see why traditionally it’s a program for advanced lifters. I'm loving it so far. g. What exercises did you include to your workout? I was thinking maybe about 2 like 5 sets of squat + 5 of leg curls. A push/pull/legs split allows for muscle protein synthesis for each muscle group twice a week (assuming workouts 6 days a week), provides adequate rest periods between working the same muscle groups, and breaks up your split in a way that's very convenient for incorporating compound lifts (close-grip bench for triceps/chest, ohp for shoulders Think of the elbows. pull (back focused) push (chest focused) legs (light shoulder) pull (bicep focused) push (Tricep focused) legs (light legs more shoulder focused) works pretty good for me so far. I am doing a Pull Push Legs and I alternate prioritizing chest and shoulders on the push day. So my week looks like Push, Pull,Push,Pull,Push,Pull I do squats on 2 of those push and deadlifts on 2 of the pulls. I so high intensity on 2 push days, with the 3rd being a lower intensity but higher volume. If I push myself as hard as conceivably possible for 5x10 I’m unlikely to be able to match that intensity for another 5x10 following immediately on (which is what 10x10 is) for advanced lifters is likely going to play a role in overall volume for a given cycle. If you want to specialise arms, run Push Legs Pull rest, and do biceps start of push day and triceps start of pull day. I run the reddit PPL routine. Leaving legs out since I don’t have an issue with them. That's my current 7-day split and I really like it. I basically follow the recommendation from the Reddit PPL. . Depends on how much time you are looking to be in the gym. Use straps for lifts that you can to save grip. Divide those 10 sets up according to your days. So if you legs on Tuesday giving yourself the next day off will give you 48 hrs before you'll train again. Pulldowns Yates rows Dumbbell Pendlay rows Leg curls Biceps PUSH B. Do push pull legs upper lower. Bench OHP Leg press Calves Triceps PULL A. But then i figured out that Push/Pull with legs on the push/pull is much more suits my goals at the moment. Legs are squats and conventional deadlifts followed by accessories. I also do abs randomly depending on which day I have the most energy or I have time to go to the gym 4 times in a week I will give them a whole day. Some report good results, others overtraining or lack of progress. ( If you are hitting the body twice a week) Currently I am doing a hybrid program based on 531. If there is at least one, but preferably two days between leg day and full day, you should be fine. com Jun 11, 2023 · This program is the famous Reddit push pull legs routine, known as Metallicadpa. Longer answer: it'll depend and vary based on your goals, current fitness levels, genetics, and whether you're cutting or bulking, but generally speaking, for strength and beginners, you can get away with less volume, as long as you're keeping intensity up and progressively overloading. The second alternative is combing the two. BB Bench press, DB Fly, Lateral Raise, Skullcrusher, Leg extension, Calves stand. X10 sets near failure each over the week. I also hit biceps at the end of my pull day, and triceps at the end of my push day. This is exactly what I've been doing these last 14 weeks. No, I have not found this training program, for some reason people do not post it Doing push, pull, and legs together every day Monday-Friday I got in pretty good shape, pre-Covid, doing old school bodybuilding. push A and Pull A have different movements to Push B and Pull B, the last few exercises I just repeat) Is the 3-day push/pull/legs routine enough for an advanced lifter to gain/maintain? An advanced lifter can certainly maintain their existing muscle mass with a 3-day push/pull/legs routine. This way you can get the best of a full body and push pull legs without needing as many days. But my legs were already where I wanted to volume was light on those so could try something like that if you feel you need more frequency. Obviously there’s a lot of variation within that, but that’s just my take. If you are just starting can I suggest this split. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS push pull legs rest push pull legs rest. You want to select compound exercises in the primary planes of movement for pushing and pulling movements. This workout split would consist of me hitting push pull legs focusing more on power and strength. Do you think Push Pull Legs is the best program to hop on to get the best out of powerlifting and bodybuilding? Currently on a 3 day Full Body Program that i made starting from GreySkull LP with heavy emphasis on back work, but i know that i could and want to do more, strength and hypertrophy wise (I really want to get that cobra lookin back so thats why i prioritize it). Shorter answer: follow a tried and tested program which will have all this covered. I now do chest+back/shoulders+arms/legs. If you want to run it as a 3 day split by doing it once through per week then it would be considered an introduction to lifting program. RDLs 5-9, 10-15 (Alternate Legs B with another quad compound) Quad Compound 5-9, 10-15 Leg Extension 3 sets Adductor 3 sets Calves 3 sets I swap all main movements (if i can) on alternate workouts (eg. Fitness related materials. For example, in push/pull split you might have 3 upper body pull and 3 upper body push exercises. i am currently doing a modified PPL split in which i hit arms on leg day Mo: Pull with biceps Tues: Push with shoulder and triceps Wed: Legs and biceps Thur: Push with shoulder and triceps Fr: Pull with Biceps Sat: Legs and triceps this way youre hitting triceps and biceps 3 times a week each. Likewise, I focus on rows (pendlay rows, t-bar) on my first pull day and pulls (pull ups, pull downs) on my second pull day. I tried Push/Pull/Legs and was unimpressed. I really like Jeff Nippard's Fundamentals program, it includes a 3 day full body split and a 4 day upper/lower split. I don't worry about my calves since they are decent enough and i feel like if I do that twice a week after a push day that still would benefit me more than having a full leg day which i'm doing only once a week now Squat is a push exercise. So I realized today that most people call it "push pull legs" which makes me wonder if I should be doing my push exercises first, and then going to pull after. It makes the most sense on pull day imo. A typical push/pull routine looks like: Push. There are some exercise changes too like squats and deadlifts on heavy leg and pull days respectively, and having my heavy push day be more chest focused while hypertrophy Day 1: Push Day 2: Legs (quad focused) Day 3: Chest and back Day 4: Shoulders and arms Day 5: Legs (hamstring and glute focused) Day 6: Pull Hits every group twice a week and I tend to have 3 working days and then 1 rest day so technically an “8day program” but I have been loving it and seen great results over the past few months Side delts on push day if you do lateral raises, if you do upright rows then do them on pull day, rear delts also. My roommates and I do a push pull leg 6 day routine. Push 2 Squat, Incline Bench press, DB shoulder press, CGrip Bench press, Triceps pushdown, Calves seated. My 6 day PPL split. acxol qxzhczk nitsbpi anbji fned bwyl fmmjn lmsvds cntth qavphva