Vasectomy bruising day 6. Still have bruising, but that’s getting better.
Vasectomy bruising day 6 Some degree of post vasectomy pain or ache is normal following a vasectomy. i feel like the resources on bruising are scarce. Sep 8, 2024 · Although bruising after vasectomy is common, you should not let this dissuade you from having a vasectomy. Since then, everything has felt totally fine and normal. My left testicle felt “tight” at times, but by day 6 I was in regular boxer briefs. While having sex is an integral part of recovering from a vasectomy, we suggest that you wait at least a week before you start having sex. I'm on day 12 & my bruising disappeared only two days ago. It’s now Saturday. Day 2: I walked around the house a little bit, very slight discomfort but nothing unusual. I'm still going to stay on track and wait for day 8 or 9 to start clearing the pipes. 6 days post op. If you have bruising after vasectomy, the bruising will resolve within several days but the satisfaction of having one of the safest and most effective forms of permanent birth control will last forever! Sep 9, 2024 · You do not have to be worried about vasectomy bruising unless there is significant pain and swelling with the bruising … especially within the first 48 hours of having a vasectomy procedure. Stitches look good, only a little bit of bleeding and showered twice and changed the A small amount of bruising and scrotal swelling is inevitable for several days Seepage of a small amount of yellowish fluid from the incision several days later Blood in the semen for the first few ejaculations The procedure should be regarded as irreversible. Cold pack, jock strap, and Aleve all day. Is that possible? Is this normal? - It's been 6 days since my vasectomy and I still have pain and swelling in my groin area. May 29, 2020 · Scrotal hematoma severity can range from unnoticeable symptoms to quite severe and alarming. I pop a couple of Advil maybe once a day and I’m virtually pain free. So I’m at vasectomy + 8 days and have substantial bruising still (balls and shaft). Update 1: Day three, so far so good. Is it normal for a bruise… Go to Vasectomy r/Vasectomy a little bruising is normal. Swelling and Bruising: Minor swelling or bruising in the scrotal area is normal and usually subsides within a week Got a measly 10, 5mg norcos that I honestly would have been fine without. You may be able to resume non-strenuous activities the day after surgery. Definitely more bruising on my right side. What I liked far better was a brand of special post-vasectomy boxer briefs by BeeJox. Still stayed on my ass for 3-4 days with ice and rest juuuust in case. I had the same type of bruising right above where the base starts, right teste is the size of an egg (hematoma), also I feel a thickened (1 cm) ‘tube/artery’ between the pelvic and groin area somewhere, the other side feels thin/normal. Last Friday I had the no scalpel vasectomy. Reply reply 6 days post Vasectomy upvotes Take ibuprofen around the clock and use ice when you get home from work. Also on day 4 and just started to notice bruising so I'd say that's normal. I received sedation and have had zero pain or discomfort. You can resume normal sexual activity as soon as you feel comfortable. Sexual activity can be resumed after 1 week if you are comfortable. Having a bit of discomfort as well, almost like that feeling in your pelvis after you've been hit in the balls but more dull than sharp. Posted by u/Decent_Mine2413 - 2 votes and 5 comments Dec 1, 2017 · Patients should refrain from lifting items which weigh more that 15 to 20 pounds for the first two to four weeks after surgery. Oct 27, 2024 · Small hematomas are detected 12 to 24 hours after a vasectomy procedure. Showed up like day 3 and lasted almost two weeks. Apr 8, 2024 · While it is ok to resume showering 24 hours after a vasectomy, to avoid the risk of infection, you will want to avoid submerging the area of your incision in baths, swimming pools, and hot tubs until fully healed. No signs of any kind of infection etc. Day 1. I’ve read anywhere from 4 days to 2 weeks online. First Nut: Just tested how things work on day 6 and things worked great, no pain, felt amazing after the build up, maybe some slight interesting Two days post procedure bruising . Published on Jul 11, 2012 I had zero bruising day 1 and 2. Posted by u/clane1025 - 2 votes and no comments I was bruised around day 6, but didn’t have any real discomfort. My testicles also hurt when I go from sitting to standing. It has only been 2 days since my vasectomy, and within hours of getting it done, I had swollen up significantly and could feel a testicle sized lump on my right side. • FSome men get some painful lumpiness in the scrotum above the testicles between 2 and 5 days after their operation. Aug 26, 2017 · It's been 6 days since my vasectomy and I still have pain and swelling in my groin area. Mine was a week ago, no pain or swelling either. Over the next few days it was still all in the same area and… Mild bruising or swelling should resolve in 7 days. In general, men may experience a small amount of bleeding that should stop within two to three days of the vasectomy operation. 🤷♂️ Oct 27, 2023 · Helpful tip: Wear a jockstrap or athletic supporter for the first 7 to 14 days after recovery. Noticed some fluid from an incision around day 6 and was told it’s probably infected and prescribed some antibiotics. Then day 3 some bruising appeared on the base underside of my shaft, then days 4 and 5 a LOT of new bruising showed up on the scrotum skin where the vas were cut. I didn't really resume normal activities for 9 or 10 days. I have virtually no pain or discomfort, 2 days later now. Over all it wasn’t as bad as I thought no dealing or bruising. Now I’m not bruised and virtually no pain. I experienced very minor bruising and about 6-8 hours my minor swelling. Couple of days resting up. Sex. Day 1: I was on full bed rest, hardly any movement. Swelling was pretty severe for the first 3 days, because I didn Mild bruising and scrotal swelling with seepage of clear yellow fluid from the wound after a few days Almost all patients Blood in your semen the first few times you ejaculate Between 1 in 2 & 1 in 10 patients Troublesome chronic testicular pain which can be severe enough to affect day-to-day activities Between 1 & 2 in 100 patients My guess would be lump behind the incision is just the tissue that was stitched together. Pictures of normal vasectomy recovery after two days April 24, 2021 December 3, 2014 in: Vasectomy pictures I still took it easy and iced for 2 days. As of now I’m 10 days post procedure. Still have bruising, but that’s getting better. It doesn’t seem to hurt more then it should ( I almost feel normal) but the bruising seems so lingering. † The most common problems immediately after vasectomy are pain, swelling and bruising. It slowly started feeling better by Friday. Today I woke up and my nuts (mostly right side) and more bruised than they have been and super sensitive (mostly a dull pain but sometimes sharp). McHugh, MD (View Profile). Apr 24, 2021 · Minor bruising and swelling are present. Yes. I’m on day 13 and bruising is 95% gone. Iced 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off as directed the first day. If there is redness then you may want to see your doctor, otherwise if it slowly improves with time it is most probably "normal" for your procedure. Yesterday I felt alright overall. Light activities are fine after a vasectomy, but heavy lifting and strenuous activity should be avoided to prevent opening your incision and bleeding internally. These will usually resolve in a few days although bruising may take up to two weeks after the operation to fade. No bruising, little to no swelling and other than a tiny bit of tenderness on the back of righty I’ve been able to walk and basically do anything I want. Post-Vasectomy Bruising So I had my procedure 6 days ago, no-scalpel, went fine. I can start having sex again tomorrow, but I'm still nervous. Fournier's gangrene following vasectomy. Stitches look good. The photo was taken a few minutes ago, and thus, is the most recent. Day 3 I went to work and couldn't lift or do much of anything. Wearing firm-fitting underwear also helps to minimise this. Got snipped 6 days ago and everything went smooth. Felt a little awkward for the rest of the day, but on the next day I woke up feeling fine. It feels like a double hernia. Sep 15, 2020 · Ben’s vasectomy story: A Planned Parenthood vasectomy September 1, 2012 I wanted to share the details of my recent vasectomy for the stories section. Not as bad as the day of or after thankfully. Still very minimal discomfort. I didn't unload until the end of day 9, and that's only because my wife urged me to get it over with. At the end of an ejaculation there is a burning/tingling sensation at the end of my penis. . It hurts to go from sitting to standing and when standing for long periods. Jul 7, 2020 · Normal bleeding after vasectomy. I didn’t even have to ice. Bruising is pretty common Didn’t bruise until about 5-6 days in and most was at the base of my dick too Bruising Newly Snipped 6 days post upvotes 7 days post vasectomy report Yea the first week was definitely like that but I also noticed some sort of progress day to day. It will take longer for your semen to be sperm-free. Now two days later and the pain is almost unbearable, and my sack is the size of a pineapple. Swelling and bruising 5 days after a vasectomy Day 6. What do you • The operation is usually done as a day case under local (numbing of the area only) or general (put to sleep) anaesthetic. I was driving the next day, walking around fine, etc. But not so much anymore. Nov 29, 2018 · It's been 6 days since my vasectomy and I am still in pain. Dec 8, 2024 · TLDR: lots of ice, no swelling, slight bruising and discomfort. Usually patients will detect small hematomas the day after their vasectomy procedure. It's day 10 and I feel completely back to normal. Was fortunate to score a 2-hour motionless nap, to wake up to basically no swelling🤯 But intense, SHARP pain. I got my vacestomy 2 days ago. The recovery period typically lasts a few days to a week, during which you may encounter symptoms such as swelling, bruising, and mild pain. In most cases, bleeding will be minimal and will cease sooner. It’s actually uncomfortable to Feb 21, 2019 · Though you may feel ready before the 7-day mark, bearing down or lifting this short after surgery can cause your stitches (if you have a traditional vasectomy) to open and may lead to excessive swelling, bruising, and bleeding in the scrotal area. 1st day was absolutely awful with pain, day 2-6 very swollen and bruised with no bruises that high up, pain was manageable after 1st day. Bruising: you will have some bruising. Soreness gone, just waiting for the incision to heal and the bruising to disappear Posted by u/jgstrick50 - 1 vote and 8 comments Day 6 no scalpel open ended. Doc said up to me but he would prescribe it. Bruising after a vasectomy can extend in any direction from the vasectomy incision site. Sex after vasectomy and how to prevent 7 Days After Vasectomy . Iced the nugs religiously for a day half hour intervals. Now I admit I got side effects like lack of sensitivity and can't cum without hours of trying personally. I haven’t been back to the gym or had sex since before getting snipped and my job is admin so I’m not straining myself at work. Okay, there was minimal swelling that went after day 3 or 4. Tried to stay stationary. As for pain. We advise taking it as easy as possible for the first 2 days after the procedure to minimise the risk of bleeding and bruising. A vasectomy has a low risk of problems and can usually be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. I realized I fucked up and started doing research and taking self care seriously. Most men will develop some bruising after their procedure. While experiencing bleeding, a protective garment such as a towel or pad can be used temporarily to prevent stained clothing. When I sit for long period of time at work I get a burning sensation and urge to go urinate. J Urol 1992;147:1613–14 [Google Scholar] 6. Small hematomas might not be noticeable or only cause mild Jul 7, 2020 · Having read about all of your issues, I am so scared. I was tender for a few days. Probably should have stayed home because I over did it by walking around too much. I had my vasectomy Wednesday. What little I had was gone in 4, maybe 5 days. Extensive bruising up the penis 3 days after a vasectomy Dr. Tylenol has been fine and really the only thing is a dull ache on the right side, where I bruised. The bruising can take several days to appear, but this will vary depending on the person. This level of support can play an important role in the vasectomy recovery process. While normal day-to-day activities may be resumed within a few days following surgery, excessive walking or running should be avoided for the first few weeks after surgery. Some men may report pain at their vasectomy site with ejaculation, but this type of discomfort should not persist. I had days 1-3 off work thankfully so had good rest, back to work yesterday (not a physical job at all), started aching last night but then today it's rough! Jun 26, 2023 · Full recovery from a vasectomy may take eight to nine days. Day 6 I noticed a lump. I'd say not to worry after a week, get it checked out if worse or no change after 7-10 days. Some people run marathons after a week, but that wasn’t me. I haven't worn underwear since I was 6. Only ice if you feel like you need to is probably safe. My testicles seem to be fine, however I have a lot of bruising on my penis. Apr 24, 2021 · I just would like to know if there is cause for concern. Nov 10, 2020 · Rest is important to your recovery. 3:30 pm Vasectomy Surgery, 4:30 pm – Home in bed with an ice pack on genitals, took Tylenol with Codeine right away, then every 4 hours. Still sleeping most of the day. Aug 13, 2020 · Bruising after vasectomy. 7. I've iced a lot which I think helped that quite a bit. Side effects include: mild bruising and swelling of the testicles; a small yellow lump (or lumps) on the scrotum – these lumps are made up of sperm (sperm granuloma) and are usually harmless; infection Question: I have some swelling in my scrotum following the vasectomy. On day 4 I started experiencing what seems like a UTI. While the procedure was short, I felt a significant amount of discomfort and some pain while the procedure was taking place. Avoid supplements and blood thinners one week before and after vasectomy Dec 10, 2014 · Typical vasectomy recovery ranging from day 3 to day 17 with very little bruising, swelling, or scarring. can't really understand the difference. Like I see a lot of posts saying 10 day or even months later y'all are still hurting or sore. Notify your physician if you have this issue. Mistry immediately. Have Sex. Stayed in bed all day with ice packs on and off (only up to go to the bathroom). I’m in day 5 (6 including day of surgery) and not icing. I did the typical 48 hour recovery process (ice, ibuprofen, rest). what’s normal here? It is recommended that vasectomy patients abstain from sex for 7 days. Though it’s less common, it still affects about 20 percent of men. 20 minutes on 20 minutes off consistently the first 3 days then I did it about 5-6 times a day for a couple weeks. Scrotal bruising will usually show up later (within 3 days). I think I sort of felt part of it at one point, but I'm not too keen at this point to really investigate down there yet. Pictures of post-vasectomy stitches at 8 days April 24, 2021 December 4, 2014 in: Vasectomy pictures Had the traditional scalpel closed ended vasectomy. at day 10 and i have some huge deep black/purple/dark/red bruising on the underside/bottom of my scrotum (frontside looks more-or-less okay), worried about hematoma or internal bleeding as well. • General Anaesthetic - You will be asked not to eat or drink any Sep 3, 2024 · After a vasectomy procedure, it's normal to experience some discomfort and minor side effects as your body heals. No pain, just bruising. Got no infection and little bruising and swelling. Also the underwear thing I don't understand. By day 4 and 5 I was constructing a swingset for my daughter's Christmas present. Day 5. May 4, 2018 · It's been 6 days since my vasectomy and I still have pain and swelling in my groin area. If you can't find your dick to pee, you are icing enough. My sack looks like an avocado. I’m very surprised how easy this has been. Apr 6, 2019 · Is it normal to bruise on one side of my penis shaft after vasectomy? I remember the doc saying he had a harder time getting the vas on that side. Played the skin flute on day 7 and woke up on day 8 feeling nothing. All bruising resolves eventually. 2nd this, my consult was a different day, but procedure was about 2hours from getting out of my car to getting back in it (15mins on the table). It feels like I have a double hernia. Yes, you will have dark purple bruising for about 10 days. Had a non scalpel vasectomy Next day and a half I laid down and iced. Scar is practically non existent I think it was 2 weeks before first test firing, then 3months of clearing the pipes, a sperm count test then good to go. Sometimes a lot of bruising may occur. Curious how long bruising lasted for you guys. As the swelling goes down I can feel the bruising more. A bruise has just now formed on one of my testicles. I didn’t ejaculate until 10 days post-op due to similar fears you’re experiencing, but it was exactly as it was before the procedure. Keep an eye on it, but don’t freak if some additional bruising appears. However, the left side of my scrotum is still in pain, bruised, and quite swollen. On day 7, there was great discomfort and pain coming from the right testicle. While pain tolerance varies from person to person, the pain following a vasectomy is generally a mild discomfort as long as instructions are followed. † Wound infection can sometimes occur following vasectomy. Dark blues and purple and some yellow. By day 4 I had bruising up the sides of 6 days of abstinence is 4-5 days more than I've gone for the last decade, at least. Just a little remnant of bruising left over in the skin on my penis. The pain may as well be like someone pinching as tight as possible, the cut sites(on the Vas) as a form of torture. Day 6 erections mostly don't hurt. The most important part of the recovery is taking it easy. Couple days after bruising showed, no biggie. I have attached a photo of the bruising on the penis. I had bruising colors for about 10 days. Getting up slowly and really walking around was about 8-10 days. No pain when ejaculating. Although vasectomy may be. Aug 20, 2018 · In general, the more vasectomy operations a doctor has performed, the lower the chance of patients developing hematomas. Sep 21, 2018 · Answered by John C. I opted not to take any antibiotics as I felt it wasn't necessary and I don't like taking that stuff. Around 2 days later some pretty major swelling/bruising on left 🥜… My swelling was gone on day 2. For the first 6 days, everything seemed to be going really well. Day 5-6: Invested in True compression shorts vs the 3 layers of briefs I was wearing. I returned to work nearly 5 days later where I do a lot of walking and standing. had mine 8 So currently 6 days since I hit my vasectomy. ” Jun 5, 2021 · Some discomfort, swelling, and bruising is to be expected after your vasectomy, but these symptoms usually subside within a couple of days. Not much swelling on the boys. vasectomy. Doctors typically advise patients that bruising can last for up to two weeks, although it may go away sooner for many men. The application of heat, continued use of a jockstrap and the use of anti-inflammatory medication with antibiotics usually clear this up within a week. • The operation takes about 20 minutes. Answer: Take 650 to 1000 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 6 hours. 6 percent for those performing >50 annually. Have been having pain on lefty for days after righty feels semi normal. Apr 24, 2021 · Normal post-vasectomy bruising and swelling on day 3 Timeline. Didn’t hurt, but was seriously purple/black for a few days. Tried to get up and walk around, but after about 10 minutes I was in pain again. Going on day 8 since my vasectomy. I noticed last night that not only does it look like my scrotum was used as a speed punching bag but i even have bruising on the bottom of my shaft. Still have minor discomfort, but feeling much better. Many men have a little bruise the size of a quarter or less, though some men have a larger bruise. Guys with this side effect experience pain for more than three months. This usually resolves without treatment (similar to tooth filling or extraction) and paracetamol or ibuprofen will help. After a vasectomy, the testicles still generate sperm, but the body simply absorbs them. Postoperative pain. Right side was mostly healed. **Update: day 8 , the pain kept decreasing , i guess my peak was on day 6 , if day 6 was 9/10 , today is more like 4/10 or less . Refrain from sexual activity for 10 days after your vasectomy or until your doctor tells you it’s ok. The swelling is also noticeable to the left and right of the penis where the bruising is visible. Took my tylenol. One study found that “the incidence of hematomas was 4. Posted by u/Silver-Breadfruit424 - 1 vote and no comments A vasectomy is a very effective (99. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Side effects of a vasectomy. Had some bruising mainly at the vas sites on both sides. Initially I didn’t think it was that bad, but now I actually think it’s getting worse. Symptoms include swelling, pain, and bruising of the scrotum. I experienced a good amount of bruising on my sack that took a couple or few weeks to go away completely I did 3 days and then I’ve iced maybe once since. Standing up from a chair in a normal way took a bit over a month but once I was up I could run and move around normally. I only wore a jockstrap for two days. The size of the hematoma determines the severity of the symptoms. Painless scrotal bruising after a vasectomy procedure can be considered normal. Dr did the one incision method. Chantarasak ND, Basu PK. As always ,I’m keeping my physical activities to the minimum so far . Day 5: even more bruising. 6 days post upvotes 7 days post vasectomy report The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Sep 11, 2021 · Vasectomy operation day: What to expect? How to prepare? May 29, 2021 Vasectomy is an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home on the same day. If you have any symptoms that appear several days after your procedure, contact Dr. Fournier's gangrene of the scrotum following day case vasectomy. If you don’t have severe discomfort, you should be able to return to work 1 to 2 days after your vasectomy, as long as it is non-physical activity. Mine is similar to other stories, though I am unique… Continue Reading; A typical vasectomy experience September 1, 2012 A few weeks ago I had a vasectomy. Karpman’s reply. Most men return to work after 2 or 3 days as long as their job isn’t physically demanding. Painkillers and ice packs (wrapped in a towel) should help. Left side still hurting like a MFer. Dec 17, 2024 · Mild Pain or Discomfort: Mild pain or soreness in the scrotum is common in the first few days post-surgery. **Update: day 7 , today i feel better , that sharp pain is now bearable and it lasts for couple of seconds and it goes away. Bruising usually occurs soon after the vasectomy if it is going to occur, however a very small vessel may have opened with strenuous activity. Didn’t have any bruising or swelling that I could see. Large scrotal hematoma So I had a vasectomy on Jan 12. Everyone is calling me a baby due to my symptoms, but this doesn't feel normal. Strangely, I was less apprehensive Jun 23, 2017 · Four days after my vasectomy I have significant black bruising on the left testicle, severe pain, pain when walking, sitting, standing. Bruising was 95% gone after 5 days. While many men like to “tough it out”, simply getting off your feet for a day or two will absolutely make your recovery less painful, quicker Hey guys, I got snipped last Thursday. If pain swelling or pain persists past one week, and you have no bruising, you can add 400 to 600 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours with food can be added. Day 4: more walking, more bruising. I had very little bruising. Bruising slightly Nov 11, 2018 · I had a vasectomy 2. Best advice - ice it, wear tight fitting underwear, and lay down to relax for at least 3 days. Busted on day 3, no blood or pain. This condition would appear about 5-7 days after your vasectomy but can occur several weeks later. I've read some guys are good on day 2, others after 2 FULL weeks. Sitting to standing is no issue. What do you The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 14 comments I had very little pain days 1-3, days 4-6 I had more bruising than anything and the pain associated with it wasn’t painful more like a lingering dull feeling, maybe the area was more tender/sensitive, but after that 6th or 7th day I was virtually pain free and have been for about a year now… good luck and like I have told everyone, please No bleeding, bruising, swelling, itch, infection, or scab. 6 percent for physicians performing 1–10 vasectomies annually, 2. The bruising started up a few days afterwords, mostly on the left side. My job gave me the week off. Day 6 the bruise was like a ring around the incision. Day 2. 6. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 6 comments I had a vasectomy 6 days ago. Bed, cold pack, jock strap, and Aleve all day. 85%) form of male birth control that cuts the supply of sperm to the semen. Even the days following, I haven’t needed pain medication or icing. Wanting reassurance regarding vasectomy failure rates 6 Days Post-Op. Mine looked similar on Day 2 (a little bruising up high, near the incisions), then by Day 4-5, I had a huge purple bruise down low, like I got hit by a tennis ball. Normal imo. Is that normal? The bruising isn't too bad and I don't think it's a hematoma based on googled pics Dec 3, 2014 · This image set shows fairly typical bruising five days following a no scalpel vasectomy. I’m nearing the 2 month mark and there’s still a small lump behind the incision location. upvoting this. There is also slight swelling. If you can wait until the stitches look "healed", id go with that option. On day 6-7, I started to notice bruising. The next day it was a little bigger. I’m past 9 weeks now and I still do it before bed. Return to work when ready. Days 1-5 were absolutely fine, I've had no swelling and no bruising, standard pain relief first 48hrs as advised, "tighty whiteys" underwear, iced as and when. Not super painful but just annoying at this point. When you’re I’m on day nine post op and on day 5 or 6 my bruising seemed to spread out more. Keep up on the frozen peas. After 3-7 days, you should be able to resume normal physical activities, including running and biking. Day 15 Post-op: Nearly all swelling and bruising is gone at this point. After the first week, you should be able to resume all of your regular activities After the operation, there will likely be a little bruising and discomfort for up to three days. Lethal Fournier's gangrene following vasectomy. I had zero swelling or bruising. Patel A, Ramsay JW, Whitfield HN. Plan to take it easy for the first few days. I feel comfortable By day 2, I was in a lot of pain, and every time I opened my pants I saw new signs of bruising or swelling. These pictures show the bruising pattern. Gradually increase activities. 4 days afterwords I had a wet dream and my left testicle is now undescended, there is dull pain on my left side, the swelling hasn't gone down any and the bruising remains consistent. I got the plumbing flowing again at day 7 with no problems whatsoever and no pain. Moderate bruising. Welcome to the vasectomy support group 😂 I’m 14 days post op. This is most likely if you do too much in the first few days. There may be a small amount fluid that is blood-tinged but without purulent (yellow) discharge. Jul 22, 2019 · 6. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, are usually effective in managing this discomfort. I got my vasectomy 10 days ago and during my 1 week checkup my urologist said I had more bruising than normal but it was nothing to be worried about. No bruising at all. Vasectomy incisions, bruising and swelling 3 days post-op. † Up to 5% of men may get localised collections of blood called haematoma. By day 3 my sac was the size of an orange and the color of a plum and I thought they were going to have to amputate. This was after going to the office without a jock strap. Weirdest feeling for me was having shaved balls for the first time in my life. May 12, 2020 · How long should it take for the swelling, bruising, and pain to go away? - I had my vasectomy a week ago. 3. The incisions are healing. Day 3: more bruising. J R Soc Med 1991;84:49–50 [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 7. My testicles and general area are still tender but sexual activity is fine. Bruising still there on the right side where the testicle is swollen and right base of top of penis. I’m 6 days post rn, procedure wasn’t that great. Sep 21, 2017 · It can be. Rest for 24 hours after the procedure. Once I do go the burning/sensation goes away for a couple minutes. No issues. I’m 31 had the no scalpel 6 days ago. I feel comfortable On day 6, lefty looks almost normal but righty is still swollen and tender to touch. My urologist had difficulty locating the right vas deferens. I’m at day 6 and my right side is killing me in the area of my vas on the top side of my Oct 16, 2018 · 10 days after my vasectomy, my right testicle is 5x larger than the left. Pain is usually mild to moderate. I’m on day 5 and my sack and base are still purple. Just keep doing it if it helps. Doc only had to make one incision in the middle and got both vas areas. The Next Week. Obviously I seem to be quite lucky and was looking for some advice from others who have had a similar experience. definitely feels like my sac is being weighed down but not sure if that's just swelling. It's very random. Apr 17, 2024 · For some guys, pain lasts beyond the first few days post-op. My left testicle is still sort of MIA in the remaining clot. Nothing to Jul 22, 2019 · Limit physical activities for 3-7 days. You're definitely doing too much. I believe my doctor said any bruising usually clears up within about 10-14 days. Stretching the skin out and making the system move around just hurts them. The fact that you cleaned pipes at day 6 is also weird to me. waited 7 days, wasn't as painful as i thought it would be, but def had some bruising and the stitches had some redness for a few days after. Gym will have to wait until the end of week 3 at the earliest. Some men have bruising the next day, others have bruising after a few days. I want to prevent my vas from reconnecting by any means necessary, so I may hold off on ejaculating for another week or so. Avoid sexual activity. Kept to the couch all day yesterday and icing on and off. A vasectomy is usually a very safe type of surgery and serious side effects are rare. I masturbated yesterday. The surgery itself will often take less than 30 minutes. This can be normal. swelling and color was day 3-5. Rest in bed or on the sofa, and stay off your feet as much as possible. How many of you guys have experienced bruising after your procedure? I am on day 8 after and in the shower today got a good look at the boys and noticed lefty having a lot of bruising running up the side of it. After one week I was recovered and the two incisions were healed pretty good. 5 weeks ago and was abstinent for the first 10 days. No pain. If your job involves more strenuous activity, like heavy lifting or driving, ask your doctor when you can return to work. 4 percent for those performing 11–50 annually, and 1. Took it pretty easy for about 3 days just hanging out on the couch etc. • You will be asked to come in on the day of your operation and will be able to go home the same evening. As always ,I’m keeping my physical activities to the minimum soo far . Scrotal hematomas can present several days after a vasectomy. While they may not look best uoz you your balls will likely get legit blue and black due to bruising in the next day or so. Almost like a mild version of if you have gotten soap in the end of your penis. Day 4 and 5 were actually worse than the first few days as far as soreness and bruising. My experience was great: very minimal pain with only a local anesthesia. Took regular Tylenol every 4 hours or more. As with any small surgery, it is normal to have some bruising. Is this typical swelling/bruising or an infection/internal bleeding? - I had my vasectomy 10 days ago. While I did go back to work, I've been wearing a jockstrap daily and haven't been doing any heavy lifting. It should appear closed but the suture line slightly red with no extending redness. ueuxiw wrgu lkqsp vpozp qlduf tikgh jkdqavbk ybjl ktwei rgin